8. Kim Mingyu is interesting

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Wonwoo should have left a while ago, after finishing eating, and in fact he would have, if he didn't have Hoshi's words running through his head.

Now that he had talked to Mingyu he was more than sure that the other liked him, if not why would Mingyu care so much about his opinion of him? Why would he be so afraid of Wonwoo's contempt? There was no other logical explanation in Wonwoo's head.

And if Mingyu liked him, it was best to continue doing this, being good to him. The truth is Mingyu was a kind person and if Wonwoo's company could brighten his life even a little, of course he would give it to him. Besides, it seemed to satisfy a little the growing fascination he felt for the man.

That's why Wonwoo was parked there until after midnight when Mingyu finally came out, holding two bags of trash while he absentmindedly talked to his coworkers.

Wonwoo had never seen them all together, although he knew that there were other employees besides Jeonghan, Jun and Mingyu, he had read about them on the menu, however it was different to see them now in person.

It was impressive how Mingyu fit in so well with them, just as he fit in so well with his work friends. Mingyu really was a brilliant presence, Wonwoo couldn't imagine that there was anyone in the world who really disliked Mingyu, even though he knew that he wasn't welcome everywhere in the company.

But it was different, those must have been jealous or very prejudiced, there was no way you wouldn't like a man like Mingyu when you met him.

Wonwoo knew that he was the complete opposite, he didn't fit in with the guys in the office and he wouldn't fit in there, however, summoning all the courage he could, he got out of the car and walked towards them.

"Hello! Are you already finished?" He asked a little awkwardly, it was obvious that he was, the lights were off and Jeonghan was locking the door.

When the guys first noticed him, there was an awkward silence and then almost everyone smiled openly at him, as if he had done something very funny, except Mingyu who seemed horrified.

"Hyung! What are you still doing here?" he asked him.

"I had to visit someone who lives near here" Wonwoo lied, feeling himself blushing, suddenly he was very embarrassed to say that he had waited hours for him "So...I was leaving but I thought it would be good to wait for you to leave the work, in case you needed...a ride?"

The other men nearly screamed, Mingyu looking noticeably embarrassed. Was Wonwoo wrong again? Would it have been better for him to just go home?

"I can take all of you home," he offered quickly to repair some of the damage.

"Hyung you shouldn't have..." Mingyu started but was interrupted by Jeonghan.

"Wonwoo-ssi how kind you are! We really always worry about Mingyu because he usually leaves on his bike at this time," Jeonghan said with a smile, completely ignoring the look Mingyu gave him. "The rest of us take public transportation, but it would be nice if you took Mingyu."

"Yes," Jun intervened quickly. "At this time of night it's not safe to be alone out there."

"But I have always done it!" Mingyu protested, earning a nudge from his other two friends.

"Don't be rude to Wonwoo," Jeonghan scolded him, suddenly sounding like a mother speaking to her bratty little son. "Your hyung is offering to take you, you should be polite and accept his invitation."

He had to give it to Jeonghan that Mingyu really looked like a child when he pouted.


"But what would I do with my bicycle?" he asked.

kim mingyu has a secret (MINWON)Where stories live. Discover now