2. Kim Mingyu is pretending

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It was late.

If there was something that bothered Jeon Wonwoo more than anything, it was when his routine was interrupted by something unforeseen.

Every day he got up at the same time, went to bed at the same time, and made sure to always have the same hours of work if possible. He scheduled every part of his life with great care to avoid any unforeseen events and enhance his work productivity.

Wonwoo loved his work, he didn't need anything else. And that's why he made sure to give it the most of himself. Today, however, THREE unforeseen events were preventing him from getting home and getting to work.

The first had been a request from his aunt. An assignment that unfortunately was on the other side of the city and would inevitably make him arrive home very late, the second had been that his car broke down right in that place, in the middle of torrential rain, and the third and most disastrous of all , that his phone had died out of nowhere.

Wonwoo leaned his head against the steering wheel of his car and took three deep breaths. All these unforeseen events would not be happening to him if only his aunt was considerate and had not asked him to pick up her new pieces for her. But, despite this, there was nothing to be gained by complaining.

He knew that she, unlike him, was not guided by a planned schedule, and that people who don't plan are prone to unforeseen events.

Maybe instead of just making a plan to avoid unforeseen events he should have made sure he was always able to deal with them.

Yes, that's how it was. It wasn't his aunt's fault, he already knew her. It was Wonwoo's own fault for not having studied all the possible scenarios before.

He sighed anyway and then started to think. Well, the first thing was to look around. The place where he was was surrounded by businesses and a few homes, almost all of them with the lights off, but there was one that had the lights on and the sign with neon letters said "open."

Okay, it would be best to go there. There was nothing else that was open, and since it is some kind of restaurant they will surely have a phone for Wonwoo to make a call.

Determined, he took the keys out of the ignition and walked at a fast pace through the rain, to avoid getting too wet, but it was inevitable to get soaked.

He pushed the door of the establishment and the air conditioning greeted him, making him shiver a little from the cold. The place was well decorated and already basically empty, except for a few people and what must have been the staff of the place, who were all men dressed as formally as he was.

Wonwoo had barely taken a step when the man appeared in front of him and gave him a deep bow.

"Good night, master. Welcome back home," said a voice that Wonwoo recognized very well, even though he had never heard it with that... seductive tone?

"Kim Mingyu?" He asked incredulously, and the other man's surprise was the best response.

Indeed, it was Kim Mingyu, even though he looked very different there was no way Wonwoo was confusing him.

Firstly, because of his characteristic height, there were not many people who were taller than Wonwoo generally, but Mingyu was almost a head taller than him; and second because he had a face that was difficult to forget, Wonwoo couldn't say for sure what it was about his face that made it unmistakable, but that was Mingyu, it was something he had and that was it.

Although now he was dressed very differently. Wonwoo had never seen him in a suit, nor had his hair styled so formally. His appearance gave him a different air than Wonwoo had already gotten used to, he no longer seemed like a happy and somewhat giddy young man, but rather a refined man, still cheerful but more... mature.

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