Her ability was the root of Yin Cheng’s wariness.

But Xu Shengfei didn’t care about all this. Their relationship was based on cooperation and mutual use. Xu Shengfei wanted to leverage Yin Cheng’s power, and Yin Cheng needed Xu Shengfei’s ability. Most importantly, they shared a common enemy: Wen Qingling.

Or perhaps on Yin Cheng’s side, the Xiao Hen Squad should also be added.

There were five people in the military vehicle, aside from Xu Shengfei, they were all Yin Cheng’s trusted aides and members of his squad.

Yin Cheng sat in the co-pilot seat and still had some concerns about this operation. “Are you sure it will be foolproof this time?”

Xu Shengfei’s voice was hoarse and unpleasant, “Don’t worry, they’ll be guarding against zombies and corpse creatures, but they won’t expect humans, especially their own kind.”

As long as Wen Qingling wasn’t present, her undead would have nothing to fear.

Yin Chengrui nodded. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Once successful, our long-standing goal will be achieved, and you will become a great contributor to the central mega city.”

In the previous operations, they were hindered by the Xiao Hen Squad. Now that the Xiao Hen Squad was in Ling City, there was no way they could ruin his plans.

Just the thought of returning to Central Mega City, implementing the secret plan of introducing undead, hiding them in the various districts of Central Mega City, and then coordinating an attack when the time came, seizing Central Mega City completely and turning it into the private property of the Yin family… Yin Cheng firmly believed that no one in Central Mega City knew about the undead. Xu Shengfei acted very cautiously, and he had personally seen the undead. They were identical to humans, and if they didn’t reveal their identities, it was impossible to distinguish them as abnormal beings. This plan was perfect. However, after he returned, he was completely dumbfounded by the sudden appearance of blood tests.

When he learned from his grandfather about the purpose of the blood tests, he was almost knocked unconscious.

His plan hadn’t even been implemented yet, but it was already doomed to fail. Even if the First District guarded the northern gate and could become the breakthrough point for the undead, the other three gates would be sealed shut. Once they discovered any abnormalities in the blood, the existence of the undead would undoubtedly be exposed. Such a perfect assassination weapon, Yin Chengrui didn’t want to give up on it under any circumstances.

The one putting him in such a dilemma was the Third District!

They have valid arguments. In the first district, they dare to refute the claim that the undead doesn’t exist. In the third district, they displayed the corpses of the undead in front of everyone as evidence. There is no room for the seven major powers to doubt.

There is no need for doubt; it must be Xiao Hen who has returned. He brought news and delivered the samples of the corpses. Xiao Hen did all of this ahead of his return while still smugly planning for the future!

Yin Cheng has never hated Xiao Hen this much before.

Yin Cheng closed his eyes and opened them again, filled with malevolence and fierceness. If he couldn’t kill Xiao Hen, he would kill his father first, cutting off his escape route. Let’s see what he’s capable of then!

Xiao Hen went all the way to the command headquarters of the third district and was stopped downstairs.

Xiao Hen pulled down his mask. “It’s me.”

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