Chapter 7

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Kendi sovanna

"Kendi you are not over working yourself right?"

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"Kendi you are not over working yourself right?"

My uncle asked in his shrilled voice. He is the brother of my father Mr.Marco Sovanna.

After my parents passed away my grandmother looked after me.
When I was just 20 she as well passed away due to lifestyle diseases.

She was such a sweetheart. She was an extrovert and would make people around her instantly happy.

Currently I am at our grandmother's banglow .In which my uncle lives .
My grandparents had already divided their whole property among their two children.

They were kind of above average in money after the banglow they even had two more lands and remaining money .

Both the lands were divided equally among their children and al the left money was also divided into two moreover the banglow have 50-50 shares so I being the only child of my parents had half of this banglow.

I don't mind my uncle living here actually I don't even want this banglow but it has sweet memories of my childhood.

My parents and grandparents so I adore spending time here in once in a while.

The sovanna security's and management was purely my father's company he worked every bit to make it that huge as it is standing currently. So their are no shares of my uncles in it.

But my uncle had desperately tried to become the ceo of sovanna after my father was gone.

But he doesn't have a single share in it so the 2nd highest shareholder became the working temporary ceo for the time till the heir of company becomes eligible to do so.

Though My uncle had reasonable reasons like he can't trust an outsider with his brothers company but was trustworthy and he proved it by giving over the ceo's position to me as soon as I turned 18.

"Kendi dear , stay for tonight",
My aunty Mrs.Valentina Sovanna chirped sweetly .

"Aunty, I have to go to work", I declined her request politely.

"Is there any problem in the office", my uncle asked with concern .

"No just heavy work since a lot of projects are going on", I assure him.

I can't tell anything regarding internal crisis of company just one slip and it would made into the headlines tomorrow.

If anyone get's to know about how sovanna is struggling with some hacker's group they will instantly try to pull their investments back in fear of losses and sovanna will end up making huge loses .

Even though it's all right now but the danger is still there and we have to be alert till the dark wing's intentions are not clear.

"Oh Honey u woke up ", My aunty asked after seeing her only daughter Rosa descending the stair "yes,mom" she said

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