Chapter 4

24 3 6

Kendi Sovanna

Sisiya project !

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Sisiya project !

As if dropping the Young's party which was a huge opportunity for expending my business and alley.

Getting caught gawking an unknown stranger who's looking like a full course meal with his Emerald eyes, messy blond hair, rolled sleeves, showing his vines , lose tie .

Leaving me with burning cheeks .

And cerry on the top behaving rudely with him who was Apperently the no.1 hacker of country was not enough misery for the day another bomb droped on me !

The organisation active during Sisiya project!

Sisiya project was one of sovanna's biggest project in simple words it was an electronic device with could hack a device when kept within the set range easily .

Many illegal organisations were trying to get their hands on it but the highlight was " The Dark Wing " organisation no one knew about it's origin but it constantly kept.

sending death threats, trade suggestion for sisya project which my father refused without any thought as the dark wing organisation had always been involved in illegal activities and sovanna don't produce products for evil's uses.

But unfortunately before the project could attain validation my parents met with an accident.

Our company went bankrupt as the sisiya project was dropped and all the investors pulled out their shares in th fear of losses.

However the most mysterious thing was that no one was able to find the unfinished information of the sisiya project it seemed like it never existed .My father had very cunningly hidden the information somewhere that even I am yet to find it.

When I turned eighteen . I worked my ass off and made a new device for covering the losses incurred it was a hard time for sovanna but we were able to cover all the losses and be profitable in three years.

After all this I totally gave up on idea of finding sisiya project. It felt as though the lost project was slowly bringing back the lost peace of my life .

It wa believed that the dark wing organisation which was active during Sisiya project was also involved in a mafia gang. And all of the members were able to escape. The dark wing name as well vanished after 6 months of my parents death.

But now he is stating that the dark wing organisation is trying to harm my company? Why?Why after so many years they are back? What do they want? That too from me? It's really a dengerous issue as the Italian police didn't find a single suspect .then where did the dark wing escape?

Despite my dad and sovanna's mixed efforts there were no traces of the dark wing

"What do they want now?" I voiced out my question to the two men looking at me with concern filled in their eyes. What could I or my company even give them after so many years?

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