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Kendi Sovanna

Passing the colliders of the prestigious Night Sky club making my way towards suit 680. The attendance open the door for me.

"Nice to meet you MISS KENDI SOVVANA ", said a intimidating ,deep yet sexy voice which sent shivers to my nerves. I took in the view in front of me with a deep breath.

A tall blonde hair men probably more than 6 foot, emerald eyes, white shirt rolled up sleeves with a black pants ,his muscles flexing with his each move. *white lie if someone say he isn't handsome !* He give me a polite smile and my 6th sense are telling me he notice how I gawking him and his smile is a sarcasm. Huh Foxy!

I roam my eyes across the room and found the person because of whom request or better to say persistence I came here. MR. WANG , my fathers very close friend only few of people I can trust.

"kendi don't be guarded come here and take a seat and relax ",said the 50 yr old man. "Mr. Wang I am not here to RELAX", I said first being CEO of company my schedule barely able to take last min appointments on top of it my company is in huge mess and accd to he knows someone who can help me NOW THEY BETTER BE OF ACTUAL USE!

"Missy, are you a model before?', asked that blondy who looks in his early twenty .
"excuse me,what nonsense", I asked in disbelief what the heck he is trying to amplify?
"Its gonna be a long discussion you got strength to stand all the while and focus in those pencil heel?, such type ultra power only models have", the blondy chirped with a smile on his face. "Mr.whoever u are my superpowers are none of your business"i said with an annoying tone.
"hey,I am only concern about your feets MISSY, PLEASE have a seat", that foxy said very politely but somewhere I felt something dark fleshing in his bright eyes as if he is actually threatening me.

Unwillingly I took a seat cuz I have a feeling this old man aka Mr Wang and this blondy aka whom name is still unknown,is not goona leave me soon.

Just then said
"lets first have introduction ",oh finally!
"Kendi this is MR.LUFIAN DORRANCE aka LUCAS the NO.1 hacker of the country",announced with a prideful smile on his face as if that blondy is his son.

Ok so now you all are not thinking that I would be shocked and regret knowing I misbehave with ThE nO.1 HakeR right ?.
Yes no way you all think that I will not give you all second hand embracement .

Cuz I have a sharp tongue and yep it can't be helped despite whoever in front of me. So the outcome would have remain same despite my knowledge

I kendi sovanna is someone who Shows the ultra most confidence despite I have it inside or not .
Well cause showing is enough to burn 70% OF bitches !

And for that blondy being the hecker part its not a big deal!.


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