Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What am I doing?

"Stop," Jamie said against Declan's lips. "We need to stop."

"Why? I must be a smoker, and these lips, cigarettes. I'm completely addicted." Declan murmured.

"Declan." She pulled away, wincing a little when his hand was stuck in her tangled hair.

Declan sighed, switching to lay on his side, his head propped up with his hand, which was supported by his elbow.

"I'm sorry. But I can't, I really can't right now."

"Yup, heard that before." His anger was beginning to flare.

"Declan, come on. Miriam really likes you, and I just kissed Thatcher the other day. You shouldn't be a rebound. And I shouldn't have done this when Miriam has a thing for you." She explained. Well, maybe he does deserve to be a rebound, considering how he practically called me a hooker the first time I saw him. She shook the thought from her head. He's gotten way better.

But is he only being nice because he wants in your pants, or because he genuinely likes you?

"Honestly, Jamie, I don't give a shit if I'm just a rebound. All I know is that I want you. I want to laugh with you, watch Patrick Swayze grind up on Jennifer Grey, and kiss you." Declan told her, gesturing towards the tablet. "Why can't we relax and just be in this moment, not lingering on anything that has happened before now?"

It was hard to swallow for Jamie, her throat was tightening from nerves. He was being incredibly sweet, and her mind flashbacked to a situation just like this when they were younger.


"Declan, I'm trying to watch The Little Mermaid, let go of my hand." A nine year old Jamie whined.

"Let me be your Eric, Jamie. You'll be Ariel, and we can be together. Like fate!" His eyes were wide and honest.

"But you have red hair." Jamie pouted, glaring at his tousled red locks. "We're the opposites."

Declan squeezed Jamie's hand a bit tighter. "Well, then I'll be Ariel. You can be Eric, but it doesn't matter as long as we're with each other, right?"

Jamie smiled at the idea. "Do I get to see you in a coconut bra?"

Young Declan scrunched his face up. "No way!"

The two laughed together, and Jamie slowly entwined her fingers with his.
"Alright, Ariel."


Just like back then, Jamie folded. "Alright then, Ariel."

Declan pulled her into him, a grin on his face as he played the movie.

"I actually really want to watch that movie right now." He admitted, embarrassed. He shied away from her a little. She playfully punched his arm. 

"Oh, goodie! I have it on my tablet." She smiled brightly, leaning forward to navigate to the downloaded movie. The whole situation was a bit awkward for her, she was trying to be easygoing, but she kept thinking back to how she kissed Thatcher right after she got a call from Turner, and now she was hanging out with Declan. Maybe she was a slut.

Silently, she played the movie, and leaned back into Declan, her back stiff. He then began to knead her shoulders, and when she didn't protest, his hands rubbed circles into her back.

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