5 | Puyo Puyo x Karaoke!?

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still on that grind (sorry late post had state testing), maybe i should try to make myself a schedule for this shit. (maybe posting every saturday/sunday?? maybe earlier if i feel like it though) also i feel nice so y'all get art next chapter (50/50 chance im coloring it)


As I walked down the streets, the leaves that were once connected to the branches on local trees broke off and flew right pass me. It was relatively a very calm day. Though, the roads were still a little wet due to last night's heavy thunderstorm. Nearby, there were some toddlers jumping in the puddles that were left behind by the rain. I felt happy knowing there are other children who were given proper, fun, and lively childhoods. All carefree and cheery. I wasn't jealous of them, I was relived by the fact that they didn't have to go to through the same pains as me. I smiled softly and continued on with my walk.

Today was definitely a day you would genuinely want to go outside, the weather was perfect, the humidity levels were just right, and there was sunlight barely peaking through the clouds, but the area was still fairly bright. It was just pretty nice to be out here, those who don't go outside frequently are missing out on such beauty that nature has created. Oh, how unfortunate for them honestly.

As I made it to Akito's house, I looked up. Goddamn, his house was big. I nervously walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I waited for a bit for a response or anything. I started tapping my shoes onto the concrete and looking around me to find bird flying high within the clouds. Once again, it was a nice sight to see when you go outside. Soon, I heard the door creak.

"Ah, hey Toya," Akito said as he continued to open the door more. "Hello, Akito. I got the present for your sister that Mizuki wanted me to give," I announced. I already said it over text I would do this so I guess it's obvious why I'm here. Akito blinked for a second. He soon offered me something, "Hey, how about you come inside? I mean you walked all the way here, I can treat you to some food before you head back home."

"Oh, it's fine you don't need to!" I attempted to decline, I didn't want to be there awkwardly honestly. "No no, I insist," Akito declared with a smile on his face. He led me inside his house. It was honestly very nice, the furniture looked pretty expensive actually. How rich is his family exactly!? Akito rushed up stairs and knocked loudly on what seemed like a door.

"HEY ENA! MIZUKI DELIVERED SOMETHING FOR YOU," Akito shouted loudly enough for his sister to start yelling at him to be quiet. Ena exited her room and ran straight pass Akito. "That's not Mizuki, who are you?" Ena questioned with a surprised expression at my appearance. "No shit Sherlock," Akito said blankly. I looked at Ena, I started approaching her and then giving her the present. "Mizuki asked a favor of me, they told me to deliver this to you as they were busy with something else. Sorry for the disturbance!" I apologized.

"Hm? No it's perfectly fine! You don't need to worry about it," Akito's sister reassured me. His sister, who seemed to be named Ena, seemed pretty nice based off first impressions. "Hey Toya, you wanna play something while you're here?" Akito interrupted. "Oh, yea sure why not," I accepted his invite to play games or something. Akito grabbed my wrist suddenly and dragged me upstairs to his room. Ena-san slowly followed behind to get to her room as well. She appeared to be observing the small gift that Mizuki gave to her. The present was nicely wrapped in pink wrapping paper and then topped off with a light coffee brown colored bow.

Akito opened the door and I soon followed him inside, his room was quite spacious. It was nicely decorated and the air was cool and light. I looked up to see a fan spinning at a moderate speed. The walls were painted professionally as well. There was also small windows across from each other. Then, I noticed a large TV. This dude has a TV in his room!? Akito sits on the edge of his bed while holding a gaming console. I walked over to him and sat right beside Akito looking at his screen. "Hey, wanna play Puyo Puyo? Been awhile since I've played this game, it's just been sitting in my room for quite some time actually," Akito suggested. Then, everything clicked. It has also been awhile since I've played Puyo Puyo, but all I know is that I'm incredibly good at it. I smiled at myself. "Deal, I won't go easy on you!" I replied back with great confidence and a growing grin. Akito chuckled at my response and gave me a console as well.

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