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A fifteen year old boy was sitting in the passenger seat, looking out of the window. He watched the scenery moved by, as the car drove to its destination.

Why would my father pick that 'place' for me to attend? he wondered.

There were other schools that would have suited his father's needs for him. For some reason though, he picked this one. Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School, what a mouthful, he silently thought.

Perhaps there was something he wished for me to acquire? But, what is it he wants for me to know, that I do not already.

He was already someone far capable of many things, that would even put someone who has had many more years of experience than him, in their respective fields, to shame.

He trusts his father though. He knows that he wouldn't make a decision to send him to this place, without good reason.

he began to drift away in his thoughts. He then heard a voice beside him, in the driver seat, speak to him.

"Souichi-sama, were you listening to what Eba was saying?" The driver said.

"No, sorry Eba, I was thinking as to why my father would choose this school for me to attend." The boy, named Souichi, responded.

Eba let out a light laugh.

"Eba understands that the leader's actions may confuse Souichi-sama. However, please rest assure that he-"

"He is only doing this for mine and Kakerou's benefit. I'm already well aware of that Eba. I was wondering why that place in particular." Souichi said.

"I see..." Eba paused.

"You won't tell me?"

"Eba is sorry, Souichi-sama, but your father said Eba is not allowed to tell you the reason why he picked this school." Eba explained.

"It's fine Eba, I understand." Souichi said, as he looked away from the driver side window and turned to the front.

"Eba appreciates that Souichi-sama is very understanding." Eba said.

Eba had a habit of talking in third-person. While this would have weirded most people out, it didn't to Souichi. He has known Eba for most of his life, ever since he was a small child. He has gotten used to his manner of talking.

"Souichi-sama, please listen carefully this time. It's very important you know this." Eba said as he drove. "Advanced Nurturing High School is very strict on their prohibition of outside communications policy. Meaning Eba and Kakerou will have a very difficult time in getting contact with you, as you attend the school. However, there will be one Kakerou referee in the school to assist you, but please be discreet when you want to talk with them. We don't want their cover blown."

"Who are they?" Souichi questioned

"They are the current chairman of Advanced Nurturing High School, Chairman Sakayanagi."

Souichi's eyes widened a bit. He knew who Sakayanagi was, he had met all of the referees at least one point in his life. He didn't care to know what they did in their other jobs, after all, their duty to Kakerou comes first. Referee Sakayanagi happening to be the Chairman of Advanced Nurturing High School, was unforseen by him. There was also something else to be said, if Referee Sakayanagi was the chairman...

"Does this mean..."

"Eba is mostly sure that she may be a student there, but Eba may be wrong."

"I hope that you are." Souichi said.

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