A New Rival?

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Thank you for waiting


Yume and her friends were walking along a path and they saw a trainer with a Chikorita. They saw her battling a Rattata.

"She's umm, special?" Said Brock.

"I'll say." Said Ash agreeing.

The trainer was chanting and she caught the Rattata. She then noticed the group and she tried to hold Pikachu who shocked her because he was surprised and he didn't like being picked up so suddenly.

"Hey, you shouldn't be suddenly picing up other people's Pokemon like that." Ash said gently but also sturnly. As he gently took Pikachu back who went back to his shoulder.

They learned that the girl's name is Casey and she was a fan of the electabuzz baseball team. She challenged Ash to a battle and Ash used Flareon and he beat Casey and Fleareon did try and not go full power.

"You cheated!" Casey shouted at Ash and Yume glared at the kid and she stood in front of Ash and shouted at her, "He did! You lost because you are a new trainer! You can't beat Ash who he more battle experience then you! Get over yourself!"

Brock, Misty, and Ash were stunned at Yume. They never seen her so mad before. Casey deflated when she heard that and she looked down. Yume signed and she walked up to the younger girl and put her hand on her shoulder she said, "Casey you did well, but you need to understand that you are a rookie trainer and you haven't had much battle experience yet. Ash won because he has that experience."

Casey nodded as she let Brock heal her Pokemon. "I'm sorry, I let myself get carried away." Said Casey.

"It's okay Casey. You just need to catch more Pokemon and gain battle experience. That will make you and your Pokemon stronger." Said Ash.

Brock nodded and said, "You might battle trainers stronger then you as well and you need to take defeat better. You will win battles and you will also lose them. You just need to learn from those losses."

Casey smiled as she nodded. "Thank you Brock. I'll remember that and grow stronger." Said Casey.

"There you go. Now that's how a trainer should act." Said Misty.

They helped Casey train a bit and her Pokemon grew stronger. Then Team Rocket tried to steal their Pokemon and they were able to beat them and get their Pokemon back.

Casey left to keep training and to get more Pokemon. Yume and the others knew that they would see her again and they headed on their way to Ash's first Gym Battle.

Along the way they came across a Natu. Yume used Jigglypuff to battle it. Jigglypuff had used the commonasion of Thunder Punch and Sing. She caught her first Jotho Pokemon and she looked it up and her Poke'dex said;

"Natu The Tiny Bird Pokemon

Because it's wings aren't yet fully grown, it has to hop to get around. It is always staring at something.

Natu's abilities are;

Early Bird

Magic Bounce (Hidden Ability)"

"Wow, that's amazing." Said Yume with a smile.

"Yeah." Said Ash.

"Sounds like it might see into the future. Natu is a Psychic type." Said Brock thinking.

"It sounds cool." Said Misty.


Our hero's stopped for lunch and Brock made soup with some sandwiches. He also made Pokemon food for their Pokemon. Yume was getting to know her new friend Natu.

Yume was glad she knew more and that she was happy. Natu liked Yume, she could sence a great power from her trainer and she wanted to help her and protect her.

After they had lunch Ash trained with Pikachu and Fleareon. Yume trained with Jigglypuff and Natu. Yume had a evolution stone that her dad has given her for her Jigglypuff. She didn't know if they wanted to use it or not. During training Jigglypuff felt ready to evolve and she went to tell Yume and she gave Jigglypuff a Moon Stone.

Jigglypuff glowed and she got bigger and she got ears. When the light died down Yume smiled at her Wigglytuff. Yume looked up Wigglytuff and her Poke'dex said;

"Wigglytuff The Balloon Pokemon.

It's proud of it's fur, which is fine and delicate. It's particular, the curl on it's forehead has a texture that's perfectly heavenly.

Abilities are;
Cute Charm


Frisk (Hidden Ability)"

"Cool. You look great Wigglytuff." Said Yume with a smile.

"Congratulations Wigglytuff." Said Ash.

"Pika." Said Pikachu.

"You are so cute." Said Misty as she hugged Wigglytuff. They then packed up and headed out again. They soon came across a clearing and they set up camp there for the night.


They had rice balls with some curry. The Pokemon had their own food. The group talked about the Pokemon they might find and trainers.

They then also made s'mores. When it got dark they did some star gazing until they got tired. It two two hours and the gang went to bed. Yume and Misty slept in one tent and the boys in the other tent.

Wigglytuff was still small enough to sleep in the tent and they were soon asleep from the big day today.


Sorry for the wait and I'll try to update again soon and thank you for reading. If you don't like then don't read.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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