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Thank you for waiting and I'll try to update more often.


It was a nice day with Pidgey's flying around and a few other Pokemon running around. It was in a town called Pallet Town that our story starts.

There was a boy named Ash Ketchum. He has jet black hair and brown eyes. He had marks under his eyes that looks like lightning bolts. He had light tank skin. He was close to winning the Indigo League. He has a friend that lives in the same town as him. Her name is Yume Nora. She has psychic powers and she loves psychic Pokemon.

Yume has long light purple hair and has reddish eyes. She has a blue tank top with a white skirt. She has blue sneakers with a light purple backpack. Yume is a sweet girl and she loves helping family and friends. She likes Ash who likes her as well. They haven't told each other how they felt yet.

Ash and Yume travels with their starter Pokemon. Pikachu is Ash's starter and close friend. They meet when Pikachu was a Pichu. Ash helped train Pichu in speed and a few attacks. When they were getting close to being old enough to go on a journey Ash trained Pichu a bit more for a few days end the electric mouse evolved into Pikachu. They were both excited and couldn't wait to get stronger and make more friends.

Yume had a partner since it was a egg. When it hatched it was a Igglybuff. Yume and Igglybuff grew close and they trained with Ash and Pichu.
Igglybuff became fast and could keep up with Pikachu for a few hours.

It was during their travels that Igglybuff evolved into Jigglypuff. Yume and Jigglypuff were happy about it. The other Pokemon Yume got also were happy for Jigglypuff. They couldn't wait to evolve themselves and Yume promised to help them all to evolve.

Ash and Yume also travels with Misty a Water Pokemon trainer. She was hard on Ash at first until Yume got after her and got Misty to stop. Brock was used to be the Rock Gym Leader of Pewter City.

They had a lot of fun and had some tuff gym's. Ash and Pikachu agreed that they wanted to get stronger with Pikachu not evolving. Nurse Joy gave Ash a Everstone. This would stop Pikachu from evolving and they were okay with that. This allowed them to beat LT. Surge.

They also got to meet a lot of Legendary Pokemon. They got to meet lot's of amazing Pokemon and they had a amazing time. They just got done traveling through the Orange Island's. Ash won the Orange Island League. He did well and he learned a lot about how to bond with his Pokemon and he felt more closer to his Pokemon. Yume did the same with her Pokemon as well.

In the Orange Island's they meet Tracy and he was a nice guy. He loved to draw Pokemon and study them as well. Yume did like to talk to him and learn how to draw them. Tracy did have a small crush on Yume but got over it quickly.


Yume and her friends have been staying in Pallet Town for a few days now. They saw the Pokemon that Ash has caught and they talked with Prof. Oak. Tracy has become Prof. Oak assistant. Yume and the others were happy for them and they also reunited with Brock.

Gary came to the town as well. He was a bit better then he use to be, but he still made fun of Ash and he tried to show off to Yume who wasn't interested. Misty and Brock didn't like him because he was still a jurk.

Paychic Power (A Ash Love Story) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora