Chapter 8:New places, Old people

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Alex and I ended up leaving for the club in a taxi and got dropped off about a block away from the establishment, taking our time to walk over there. Charles was already inside waiting for us, but it took us a while to find him. Thankfully the place wasn't too crowded, so after some time we saw him sitting down by the lounge area and the first thing he said when as soon as he saw Alex was "You look amazing" and like hell she did. We were both wearing a mini dress and platform shoes, drawing inspiration from Sabrina Carpenter, Charles would have been a fool to think not

However it didn't take long for the things to start escalating with them, so I told them I'd go get a drink in hopes of finding some of the other drivers Alex told me Charles was here with, because I was not about to watch them make out and third wheel the whole time. As I was walking to the bar I kept my eyes pealed but saw no one recognizable in sight, that is until I saw a horde of girls surrounding a group of guys on the dance floor. Trying my best to look over the crowd I saw Lando Norris, Carlos Sainz, and Pierre Gasly in the center. I pushed my way through and somehow managed to reach them. "Hey guys I know you don't really know me but I came here with Alex and well... she's too busy with Charles right now, mind if I join ya?" "Ya of course, what's your name lovely?" asked Lando shouting over the music, "Sarah Palle" "Why does that name sound so familiar?" Carlos asked. "Well my parents work in F1 that's probably it" "Ohh" they all said in unison. Pierre looked like he was hard at thought when he screamed, "Hey aren't you that model though?" "That would also be me." "Ya no we all saw you walking at the last show since Charles was streaming it on his way here" "Oh you're the girl that took a fall?!" the rest looked over asking "I'd rather not talk about it, It wasn't even my fault" I said raising my tone in annoyance when remembering the event. "How was it not your fault if you fell?" Pierre asked dumb founded. "Stroll's new crazy bitch messed with my shoes so they'd brake" "Now that's crazy" an early familiar voice said as I slowly turned around. "You sir are the last person I want to see right now" I shouted so he'd hear me and bumped into his shoulder purposefully. What the flip was Lance doing here?! I was supposed to be getting over him tonight. I marched over to the bartender and ordered a drink chugging it down like a shot, turning back and seeing that Lance was out of sight. I waited a few minutes and still he was no where to be seen, not even by the drivers, so I figured he must have left of something and comfortably headed back over not wanting to stay by myself. "Sorry about that guys, I hope you don't mind me being here still" I asked embarrassed  "No, of course not, I don't know what drama you have with Lance but you're not bothering us so stay as long as you want, we could care less! Especially since I don't know if you could notice or not but we aren't his biggest fans at the moment either after he crashed into Danny Ric at the last gp." 

I stood with them for a while dancing away, mostly sticking with Lando as we seemed to hit things off better than everyone else. Before I knew it we were the only ones from his friend group left on the dance floor taking shots. I was slightly intoxicated I must admit but at the same time I couldn't believe it, I was actually talking with my favorite driver on the grid, so when the time came for everyone to start leaving Lando offered me to go back to his place, to which I excitedly agreed. Impatiently we were starting to make out while we waited for the bartender to close his tab. I swear I haven't been this nervous making out with someone in a very long time, I felt like I was in high school again. However I was forced to pull back off from him as the bartender handed him the card he'd payed and we started walking to the exit doors as I was dragging beside him. I could see his McLaren being pulled up by the valet, when I heard that same familiar voice shout my name. "Sarah where do you think you're going?" "Wherever the hell I want leave me be Lance, I've had enough of you today!." He turned to Lando shouting "Seriously man she's drunk!" "Lance! I am well aware and capable of making my own decisions" "Ya Lance see, she's a-okay, why don't you get lost now, you're ruining our night!" "You're not leaving with him Sarah, I wont let you!" "Or what Lance, how are you gonna stop me" "You know what fine, you're right run away again. I finally give up" he walked off inside but that's when my cautions and guilt overtook me, "Lando you know what I'm so sorry but I think he's right , maybe an other time, please forgive me!" I said walking after Lance. 

I was able to catch up to him fast enough and placed my hand on his shoulder to get him to stop and turn back around. "So you decided to leave Lando after all" "Don't give me that smug face!" I snapped. "Then maybe quit forcing me to!" "I haven't made you do anything!" "Oh come on, coming here on purpose to flaunt, I was just trying to look after you! Lando is the biggest man whore I know!" "Oh and so it's not the same with you and Marilou?!" he took in a deep breath after to calm down, which led me to do the same. "You really think I'm with her?" He said in a raw and exposed tone. "Well that's certainly what I've been told" "Sarah" he put his hands on the side of my arms and said "It's just for PR I could care less about her, all I've been thinking about is you! Trust me it's hard to escape your name when I work with your parents" "So nothing's going on between you?" I asked in a confused tone. "God no, she's pretty don't get me wrong but I could never with her personality" "So then why would she sabotage my runway?" "What are you talking about?" "She purposely messed with my heels beforehand, which led me to fall. I over heard a few other models talking about it, saying she did it because she was jealous or something" "Sarah, I'm so sorry if that's true, but I've heard nothing of this until right now! And I swear if what your saying is true, I will end things this instant if our contract allows it" Seemingly more relaxed, Lance offered to go to the hotel he was staying at and we could talk it through, since the club was coming to a close, and no other place was open. Hesitantly, I agreed knowing what happened last time I went to his place but I was too curios to know why he would even do a pr relationship with her to begin with. 

We took a cab in silence since he didn't want to risk driving having we both had a few drinks. Only breaking the silence when we entered his room. I took my shoes off, relieved from the blisters the heels were starting to cause and took a seat on the barstools by the kitchen area. "So Lance, why don't you start from the beginning and explain to me why this pr relationship came to be in the first place, you're already as rich as can be I don't get it." "That's all true but I was offered a huge amount, and I'm not normally one to take it for the money but my image has been bad as you know having talked to Lando about it I'm sure. No one on the grid is really thrilled to have me there and I figured it would also be a nice distraction from you. I mean I'd woken up and you've just vanished, can't blame me for my actions after, you've probably gotten with others since then too?" "Actually I haven't, when I left I received an internship at a law firm and took it, it's all I've been doing as of lately" I said walking over towards him to grab myself a water to help sober up some more. The whole time his gaze wouldn't leave me. "What" I said letting out a laugh, "You should probably spend the night here, you may have sobered up but you barley managed to walk into the kitchen without tripping over your own feet." "You're right" I started laughing even more in realization and to try and cope with the flash backs of him all over me, all feeling too similar to tonight. "Hey you know if I'm gonna stay can I get an other of your shirts?" "One t-shirt coming right up" he led me to his suitcase and handed me an oversized tee. Too tired to think, I dropped my dress right then and there in front of him without warning. He looked away after but it was too late, when I was finished putting the shirt on I walked over to him and pulled his chin facing towards me. I could feel his warm breath on me and we both etched for each other's touch, I was about to go in and make a move when he jolted back. "I'd love to but I'd rather do this when we're both 100% sober, even though your not entirely wasted" As much as those words sucked it was nice to hear that he was worried about taking advantage of me, so I  hoped onto his bed without saying an other word and pulled the covers over me going sound to sleep after texting Alex all was well and that I was with Lance. To my surprise however he never went onto the bed with me, I asked him why when I looked over curled up on the floor with a few pillows and blankets. "Because if I do I don't know what could happen" he said in response.

Hey loves, I was really conflicted as a Daniel Ric fan (he's my fav driver), so it was extremely sad when Lance ruined his chance of points at the Chinese gp that's why this chapter is coming out a day later than normal, I just didn't wanna write about Lance yesterday hope ya understand.

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