Sneak Peak

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Flying down to the Morningstar Family were two females made from pure white light as they floated down.

Sera: Greetings Child of the Morningstar, I am Sera the Head Seraphim you are blessed to be here.

Emily: EEEE~High I'm Emily the other Seraphim or Emmy or Em or Whatever you like to call me (giggles) Welcome to Heaven.

Y/N: 0//////0

What was playing through his head

Y/N: Hubba....Hubba...Hubba...

Emily: he okay (shows concern)

Charlie and Vaggie turned to their son who was babbling

Charlie: Uh Y/N........Sweetie

Y/N: Hi.....uh(blushing) Hi(starts shaking Emily's hand) I'm Morningstar Y/N, I MEAN Y/N Morningscar....NO NO I Mean Y/N Moonscar.....Eep!!!(Covers face with his hands)

Y/N mind: Real Smooth.....

Sera: I see, so you're the Human Prince of Hell I've heard so much about

Emily: EEEE~ It's so nice to meet you (takes Y/N's hands in hers)

Y/N: Bubba....Bubba....Bubba

Charlie: OKAY!!!(Grabs Y/N) that's enough of THAT!!!

Vaggie was shooting Emily a glare as Y/N continued to blush while being held Protectively by both women

Y/N Mind: Oh great my first crush and I'm blowing my mom's are getting involved..oh somebody kill me NOW!!!

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