Things get worse part 2

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It was the next day as Ali was giving her dad the silent treatment while krissie was fixing hunter his food before walking over to the high chair as she feeds him his breakfast.

Alie was fixing her self some orange juice when her father walked in all them dressed for the day. "Morning"he says as Ali continued to give him the silent treatment as she puts up the orange juice then grabs her drink walking away as toby and yalana watch with dark smirks from the shadows as they were breaking the family apart slowly.

Yalana watches as Ali was snooping while on the laptop about the paranormal it sees she's slowly starting to catch on but it's no use hunter will be there's soon enough as Ali as she was videoing her self talking as she plays the same footage from last night as her dad watches before she and her dad get into another argument as yalana smirks darkly "foolish humans"she says to her self.

The front yard camera was shown at 3:12 am in the crickets were heard chirping 'night #17 august 23rd, 2006 before the back yard pool was shown as the cleaner was buzzing from inside the pool before the kitchen and foyer sitting room then the main foyer and stairs were shown before hunters room was shown as Abby lays down as hunter was asleep in his crib.

Yalana was shown downstairs as makes one of hunters toys move by its self making noise before disappearing as Ali runs down stairs breathing heavily looking around before the toy moves on its own as she quickly runs up the stairs.

Yalana watches as Ali and Krissy talk about what her step daughter heard last night "oh that was only a small bit of what we can do just wait humans your I'm for a rude awakening"she says with a dark smile.

Later on Katey came over as yalana watches the two sisters who don't remember anything about there past "you two may have gotten away easily when you were kids but will be ours again so will hunter "she growls from the shadows of Kristi and Daniels room as hunter was playing with his toys.

Later on that afternoon at 2:56 pm Kristy was rocking hunter to sleep while Alie was shown dressed as she walks down the stairs with Abby as she takes the dog for a walk before Kristy carefully puts Hunter down in his crib as he was sound asleep before she leaves the room after tucking him in.

The kitchen and main foyer room were shown from there camera angles as Kristy was in carrying a book as she walks into the kitchen before making her some coffee as she sits down at the counter as yalana uses her power to make all the cabinets, drawers and and refrigerator open as stuff falls to the ground making her scream bending over before slowly getting out of her seat gasping in shock as she shakes with fears before running out the kitchen and up the stairs.

"God leaves me alone!"she yells out to who ever is doing this as yalana smirks darkly as the tea kettle was heard from the kitchen whistling "Not happening foolish human"she says with a dark laugh from the shadows as Kristy slowly walks back towards the kitchen as she runs over to it quickly turning off the stove as she moves the tea kettle before slamming all the open doors closed as she picks up everything that fell out of them before leaving the kitchen as she walks halfway up the stairs as Ali returns with Abby as she goes up the stairs to check on her step mom.

The front yard camera was shown at 9:24 pm in the crickets were heard chirping 'night #19 august 25th, 2006 before the back yard pool was shown as the cleaner buzzed inside the pool as crickets can be heard the kitchen and main foyer room were shown before the main foyer entrance and stairs were shown at 9:25 pm as Abby runs up the stairs while Daniel was putting hunter to bed who was sound asleep as Abby came in and layed down by the mirror closet and bedroom door as it was left slightly open as yalana and toby watch from the shadows.

"We get rid of the dog tonight and give Krisstie the bite"Tobi says as yalana nods her head 

It was 12:49 am as the kitchen and main foyer sitting room cameras were shown as yalana makes the basement door slowly open with a wave of her claw hand as Abby comes down the stairs as she comes to the open basement door before backing away as her fur stands up as she growls and bark at something in front of her before Toby growls yanking the dog forward as it whimpers and cry's.

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