The baby boy

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A car was shown driving  pass a house in Carlsbad, ca."welcome home hunter. This is your house"alie says as she points the camera to the house"gonna look out of that window. There's the front door "she says before pointing the camera at the door. Before a car pulls up with Kristy and Hunter in the back while her father was in the driver's seat.

"Hi dad how are you"alie greets as Kristy opens her door before the camera was shown on her baby brother hunter who was asleep in his baby carrier that was attached to the car seat before they bring him inside out of the sun.

Soon they walk through the front door into the house as Martine walks down the stairs "hi Hunter this is Martine your new nanny"alie says as Martine smiles and waves at the camera."she will probably fix your dirty diapers because I won't"alie says as Daniel walks as he carries hunter.

"Can I see"Martine says with a smile.

"Yes"Daniel says as Martine smiles looking at hunter "oh my goodness look at this"she gushes over the baby if one thing was clear the baby was absolutely adorable to the three women.

Kristy was shown sitting leaned back on the couch as Daniel sets the carrier down"he's kind of smooshy looking I'm not gonna lie"alie says honestly.

Another close up was shown of hunter"seriously the cutest baby ever next to me, second to me"alie says as hunter was sound asleep."just touch him and cuddle him all day"she says.

"You see how tiny he is"Kristy says as she sits next to hunter before she was shown holding him in her arms with a soft smile"do you mind if I take him not if he's sleeping tho but I want to take him on a tour of the house"Daniel says.

"Okay he's not sleeping "Kristy says.

Soon master bedroom was shown with a fireplace with a Australian German Shepherd sniffing around "that's Abby gonna be your best friend. Bye sweetie"Daniel says before walking over to the fire place "this is a fireplace this is how Mommy seduced Daddy..."he says

Kristy groans"oh"she says.

"And that's how we got you "Daniel says as Kristy was shown laying in bed "and that's why your watching this video at 25"she says.

"This is your room"Daniel says as he walks into a nursery with a crib, rocking chair,some shelves and tables with toys ,a diaper pail, and a changing table. Before a close up was shown of the crib"there's your crib. It's a little sparse right now just got some caterpillar action going on"he says as a toy caterpillar was shown in the crib.

A close up was shown on the door with hunters name in colorful letters "hunter see pretty cool"Daniel says.

Soon another room was shown as pinkish red curtains are hold back as sunshine lights the room "this is your sisters trashed room"he says as a bed,make up table,dressers, posters on the wall and etc.

"No I'll check with him"alie was heard.

"Oh there she is"Daniel says as alie was shown on a cheetah print bing bag chair by a mirror closet."wassup brother from another mother "alie says confusing her dad.

"What "he asked.

"No hunter's in..."alie says before she was shown looking into the camera "you're never allowed to come in here ever unless I invite you in which case it's gonna be the best day of your life oh by the way that's my bathroom don't ever go in there."she says with a smile as her bathroom was shown.

As Daniel continued the house tour two demons watch from the darkness."they had a son my love"yalana says with a hum.Toby nods his head"indeed my queen soon it will be time to take him"he says as they watch the family as they gush over the baby even Katie came for a visit.

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