Things get worse part 1

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It was the next day as Daniel was shown in the kitchen eating wearing his usual clothes while Kristi stands beside him with a grey v neck and jeans"how could you put it up wrong it's on a hook once it's up it's up"Kristi says.

"You were probably putting it on the edge of the top part instead of inside the face that it fell a second time probably proves that you put it on wrong"he says shrugging his shoulders as yalana and toby watch hidden as they talk about the things that been happening out of know were"ignorant human"yalana snarls at Daniel before they watch as they watch the camera for the back yard as the pool cleaner gets out on the pool on its own when it really was toby.

Through out the day they watch the family it seems Daniel doesn't think there house is haunted who keeps making fun"oh just wait you will believe soon"yalana says as she disappears with toby.

It was night as the front yard camera was shown at 3:14 am as crickets chirp 'night #12 august 18th, 2006' appears. The back yard camera was shown as the pool cleaner buzzes under water then the kitchen camera is shown then the main foyer room then the main entrance Camara by the stairs before the nursery was shown as hunter was wide awake standing up in his crib as he was babbling as yalana and toby appeared but invisible before Abby growls lowey before barking as the two snarl at the mongrel.

Yalana and toby watch as Daniel mocks them "I'm gonna enjoy your death"she snares she hates arrogant humans soon she sees him heading out side to the pool before taking his shirt off as he gets on to the driving pool"hmm let's see how he likes this surprise "she hummus before she and Toby heat up the water in the jacuzzi.

They watch him climb out of the pool into the Jacuzzi before yelling as he makes contact with the boiling water before quickly jumping out and into the cold water before he gets out and runs inside as yalana and toby cackle before disappearing.

Daniel walks into the kitchen breathing hard while holding a towel "did you leave the heater on in the hot tub"he asked Ali.

"No"Ali says from behind the camera.

"No? It's like a million degrees in there!"he says walking around the house.

"No why would I....that was two nights ago and I turned it off"Ali says as Kristi walks in checking on him before giving him a bag of frozen peas.

It was the later that day it was 6:21 pm Kristi was shown dressed for the night in a black dress with heels as Ali holds hunter wearing a spaghetti straps shirt with jeans compries."all right so all the emergency numbers are in this cabinet"she explained opening up a cabinet as Ali nods her head as Kristi list what each number was for and make sure all the doors are locked before she and Daniel went out for a date.

It was 8:25 pm as Ali was shown sitting on a couch in the foyer room as she reads a book before a knocking on the back yard door was heard making her jump before turning seeing it was brad who comes in with a smile.

Yalana and toby watch them with a Ouija board to call out to them they ask what they want brad has spelled pussy as they bust out laughing before yalana spells hunt but they were laughing she can tell brad was starting to feel uneasy.

The nursery camera was shown as hunter was asleep in his crib.

It was later that night at 11:06 pm the TV was shown in the main foyer room on as Ali was shown asleep. Yalana and toby appear yalana kneels by her ear"Ali"she whispered while toby makes the TV statics before he stands at the end of the couch as he shadow grows over Ali before she wakes up with a start as they disappear she holds her chest breathing hard as she looks around as the TV un statics going back to normal with the commercial.

Alie turns off the TV getting up as she sets the remote down walking towards the main entrance but stops seeing the door open slightly she could have sworn she locked it as she walks to it before closing it as she relocked it before walking away but yalana them slams her hand against the door making alie freeze at the rop of the stairs before walking back down them as she walks to the door she looks through the peep whole seeing something move before unlocking and opening the door stepping out"brad?"she calls out.

Toby and yalana appear as they slam the door closed locking it as Ali screams banging on the door. Hunter's nursery was shown as baby's head pops up as Ali continued to bang on the door.

Abby gets up walking out the room the cameras around the house was shown as it was completely silent as the light outside in the backyard turns on as Ali runs to the door to get in but it was locked as Abby walks to the screen door as Ali continued to bang on the door just as Abby starts barking as hunters nursery was shown as yalana stands by hunters crib as she slowly grabs his ankle as he was shown slowly moving across his bed by him self as he starts crying as Abby runs up the stairs into the nursery as hunter was shown side was against the rail as yalana holds him up. The cameras were shown once again but this time hunter was shown out of his grin on his feet by the Door with yalanas help as he pushes it open as he walks out his nursery he was then shown walking through the kitchen as he walks to the basement door a musical toy is heard he giggles reaching up as yalana turns the door nod as the door opens as she disappears before hunter was show crawling up the stairs.

Yalana appears by toby as they watch the father and daughter argue as Kristi was stressed."only a matter of days now my love"yalana says running a clawed hand over his chest as he hums as they smirk.

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