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It was the next morning at 9:48 as Daniel was shown with a suit case and marthine . He wore a blue stripe shirt with shorts and flip flops "okay that's like two months ok"he says as they stop by the kitchen as marthine speaks in her native tongue as he leads her to the door as she continues to try and warn him in her native tongue.

Yalana appears as she waves mockingly "bye bye marthine"she says before cackling 'thats one less person in our way 'she thought to her self with a smirk.

Kristi was shown with hunter in the nursery as she holds a camera trying to get him to say his first words while toby and yalana appear behind her but are still invisible to them.

"Da da"kristi says as she wore a dark with jeans.

A close up of hunter was shown as he wore a green style shirt with shorts as he plays with his toy truck "come on, make daddy proud say da da"she says but wasn't even looking at her he felr them near as they watch him completely ignor his mother "hmm seems he has strong feelings of the paranormal"toby says as yalana nods her head.

Kristi and Daniel were then shown in the kitchen fixing dinner at 8:15 pm "we were up in the nursery, playing and I was trying to get him to say da da again,and he just wouldn't focus he was looking at the ceiling and mirror, everywhere but me."she says as she cuts something up.

"Well he's a baby. He's got an attention span of a guppy you know "Daniel says leaning against the kitchen counter.

She giggles "I guess but there was definitely something he was focused on and it wasn't a pretty face"she says before putting what she was cutting up on plates.

Ali was shown with a frown as she was sitting on her bid doing her nails "hey"Daniel says to his daughter.

"What are you doing what's going on"she asked still doing her nails.

"Nothing much "before Daniel turns off the light as night vision was shown as Ali looks up with a frown as her eyes look like little green lights.

"Dad can you please not do that"she asked.

"Night vision "he says.

"Cool I'm gonna get nail polish on the bed. Please "she says with a huff.

"You got freaky eyes you look like a possum "he says making her scoff with a smile"dad"she says before the lights were turned back on and she went back to her nails.

"I'm painting my nails dad what are you in here what do you want"she asked painting her nails carefully.

"Sorry crabby"he says.

"I'm not crabby"Ali says.

"Your crabby like mcRumpelstiltskin "Daniel says.

"Why did I fire marthine "Daniel asked as Ali nods her head"yeah"she says.

"Because I didn't like her doing all that weird witchy stuff around hunter"he says.

"It wasn't witchy it wasn't witchy it wasn't hurting anybody it made her feel better and she wanted to make us feel better"Ali says looking up at her father as she then goes back to paint her nails.

"She was like slaughtering goats out by the pool okay"he jokes.

"No she wasn't "ali says with a smile.

"All right good luck and stay in the lines"he says before turning off the lights as it was now night vision as he gets closer before she goes to put nail polish on him until everything goes black.

The front yard camera was shown at 2:42 am in the morning as the crickets chirp. 'night #8 August 14th, 2006' appears before the backyard camera is shown as the pool filter buzzes underwater. the kitchen camera was shown then the main foyer room camera then the  main foyer entrance and stairs as hunter starts to cry before the nursery was shown as he was shown standing up in his crib.

Kristi walks in "oh come here"she says when hunter cry's before picking him up and rocking him from side to side to calm him down before she hears something outside as she walks towards the window as toby appeared outside as toby snaps his fingers as a bird suddenly flies into the window dieing scaring Kristy while yalana appears inside as she slowly moves the door open without Kristi looking before both disappear with cackles.

It was the next day as Daniel was shown wearing a navy blue shirt with jeans and shoes as he opens a garage back to pick up a dead bird as yalana and toby watch him and Ali "soon they will see this is not a game he is just like Micha"yalana hisses as toby nods his head.

Ali was watching Hunter for the day as he wore a yellow shirt with shorts"yalana appears as she watches the boy before he runs past her out tge door with Ali hurrying after him leaving tye camera on the bed before yalana turns to the baby monitor as she raised a claw hand making it static before she disappears as it goes silent as everything went black.

The front yard camera was shown at 3:28 am as crickets chirp 'night #10 august 16th, 2006' appears before the backyard camera is shown with the pool cleaner underwater as it buzzes the main foyer entrance is shown with the stairs before the kitchen camera was shown then the main foyer room in front of it was shown as toby appeared as he raised his claw hand making a pan fall off the rack before disappearing.

Kristi was shown in the nursery putting hunter back to sleep before looking up having heard the noise in her pajamas and robe as she was shown walking down the stairs into the kitchen looking around before seeing it was a pan that fell before putting it back on the rack.

She was then shown looking out the window when yalana appears before raising a clawed hand making the pan fall this time making Kristi jump"fuck!"she says before running off scare as yalana laughs before disappearing.

It was the next morning as Daniel walks over to the pool cleaner that was out of the pool again "what are you doing out here".go"he says throwing it back into the pool wearing a hat with a grey t shirt and shorts before Abby runs over scratching at it.

"Your dog does not like pool cleaners what is wrong with your dog"Micha says before Daniel was shown sitting on a couch with Kristy and katy as the girls use there hands to block the sun.

"Honestly we're not sure"Kristi says with a laugh as Abby continues at it with the pool cleaner.

Ali was shown in a bikini with her hair wet as hunter was in her arms with swim trunks as she teaches him out to splash in the pool "splash, splash, one, two, three. Splash, splash, splash"she says with a smile splashing the water with hunter who laughs 

"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen"Micha says from behind the camera.

He then turns tye camera on to Katie who also wore a bikini as she was now in the pool with her hair pulled up while Kristi was sitting on a pool chair"I think I might definitely start to replace my girlfriend with this camera "he says.

Katie smiles"uh huh see? We're scared "she says with a smile yalana and toby were shown in the nursery as the family continued to have a good time before everything went black.

The front yard camera was shown at 12:52 am in the crickets were heard chirping 'night #11 august 17th, 2006 before the back yard pool was shown as two people were shown in the jacuzzi. The kitchen was then shown before the main foyer room was shown then the main house entrance before the nursery was shown with hunter sound asleep the main room foyer by the kitchen was shown as yalana and toby appeared they raised there hands creating a fire in the large pan left on the stove as smoke travels.

They disappear when the smoke alarm goes off hearing Daniel run down the stairs to the kitchen seeing a larg fire"Jesus Christ"he yells before grabbing something so he could grab the pan handle before carefully running to the backyard pool throwing it in the water putting it out.

Yalana and toby appear as they watch Daniel scold his daughter and kicking her boyfriend out "just wait humans it's only gonna get worse from here"Toby says as he and yalana disappear before everything went black.

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