It's over or is it

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It was 12:07 am when the lights come back on inside the house and outside the house as Daniel was shown tucking kristy into bed they had did it before he was shown transferring the demons to Katie as he was burning an old familiar picture of Katie when she was a kid.

Three weeks later katie was shown wearing a black tank with jeans and flip flops sitting on a couch outside in the shade with hunter as she gets ready to open something as Kristi films her with the camera.

"Is m ready I'm thrilled I'm excited is it a tie is it oh shocking!"Kristi says from behind the camera as Katie opened the small box holding a necklace with a smile before she was shown holding hunter who wore grey shorts with a blue and white shirt as she runs a hand through his hair as he plays with one of his toys.

"So how are is there anymore wired stuff going on you know"she asked.

"No everything's great "Kristi says.

Katiy nodded her head "good. I must be loosing my mind. I just....I feel like there's stuff going on at our house, to the point where I actually told micha about it and I'm sure he thinks I'm crazy"she explained as she holds one of hunters toys.

"You should take your own advice we shouldn't talk about this stuff it just drives us nuts sis "she says when Katy just nods her head before she was shown walking to her car.

"Goodbye hunter! I love you little fella"she says getting into her car.

"Bye auntie!"Kristi says for hunter as Katy waves good bye before driving off neither of them knowing the events about to happen as footage from the first time Katy saw Michael new camera was shown before everything went black as 'micha was killed on October 8th , 2006' was shown before fading.

It was October 9th as Kristi and Daniels front outside entrance camera was shown at 11:48 pm before the back yard camera was shown a the pool cleaner was in the pool as the lights were on in the pool and jacuzzi before the kitchen camera was shown as the TV in the living room was on as Daniel was shown watching TV layed out on the couch wearing a long sleeve green shirt with pants and flip flops on before the main foyer entrance camera was shown with the stairs as hunter was heard starting to cry.

He was shown standing in his crib wearing a pj's crying as the door was opened by Kristi she wore a grey tank with black leggings who walks to his crib picking him up as she rocks him and bounces him gently.

The front yard camera was shown again at 11:49 pm then the back yard with the pool and jacuzzi before the kitchen was shown again as Daniel was shown sitting up as Katy was shown standing with a white bloody tank top with shorts between the kitchen and main foyer entrance as yalana appears beside her "kill them but hunter"she whispered in Katies ear before both were gone as Daniel turns around having felt like he was being watched before turning back around to face the tv when yalana and Katie re appeared behind the couch as Katy grabs his head as she snapped his neck twisting his head as he lays there dead.

Before Kristi was shown holding hunter when she heard something "Daniel? Is that you"she asked before laity appears through the door as she walks forward grabbing Kristi by the neck throwing her into the wall killing her as hunter cry's.

"Now you are both are ours"the two demons say with dark smirks as they watch as she picks up hunter as she walks out of the nursery with them following as it was 11:50 when everything fades into black as 'ali returned from a school trip and found the bodies of Kristi and Daniel Ray on October 12, 2006 katie and hunters whereabouts remain unknown' in white words as it fades

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