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I'm dying here 😫

Papers flew around the office as I searched every crevice, throwing every box on the ground in hysteria. Reid stood at the entrance, looking down at me with sad eyes. 

"Maybe she just went on vacation?" I asked an empty question, one we both knew the answer to.

"Ver, they haven't heard from her in a week," Reid spoke softly, slowly coming close to my crying self on the floor. 

"If they sent me," I paused, gulping down the word I tried to say. "If they sent me Emilia's face, what would they do to her?" I cried, tightly wrapping my arms around Spencer. I don't cry much, you can't exactly cry a lot working at the FBI, but this was Lena, my Lena. 

"They won't do anything to her," He whispered, holding my head with his hand, pressing it against his shoulder so the tears drop onto his red cardigan. 

"I just wanted to get a girl home to her parents and now those people are ruining everything in my life, they took the girl, the closest thing to a real mother and if they dare to take you I don't know what I will do Reid," I looked at him, holding him so tight so he wouldn't leave my side. His eyes glistened for a second before a small smile overtook his face.

"I'm never gonna leave you," He said quietly, as I went back into the hug.

"Vera?" I look over Spencer's shoulder where Ana stood, someone who I worked with at this office for the entire time, sharing every win and loss beside each other. She looked a mess, her dark black hair was in a messy braid, and dark circles under her eyes, which usually lit up any room.

"Ana," I stood up to hug the girl, softly sobbing in each other's arms.

"I really tried looking I swear," She had a high voice, something we would always tease her about. 

"Hey, it's not your fault, or anyone's for that matter," I fixed her blouse with tears in my eyes, "We need to work together now," I gulped down any more emotions.


"She's an awfully private person," Derek said as we sat around the main office, staring at the small box of information on Lena. 

"She's always been," I said, never seeing how private she really was.

"Okay my pop tarts," Penelope spoke through my phone, "I found a second number that she was using, so she probably owns two or more phones," She stated as my brows crumbled.

"two?" I asked Ana who sat beside me and just shrugged. 

"This girl has some secrets that's for sure," Garcia said, her tapping loud and strong, "It is very difficult to find the most basic information about her," She sounded annoyed. 

"I'm guessing it will take some time," Ana changed the conversation, "We could go visit her house?" She suggested.

"Good idea," I smiled as we all piled into the car, silently driving for a few minutes since she lived close by.

"Hm everything is so clean here," Spencer mentioned as we looked around, sliding his finger against the furniture, almost no dust visible.

"I think she has cleaners that would come," I added, picking my books from her bookshelf that has no marks of being used. "I mean not everyone likes writing in their books but every page is new, not even a crease or accidental rip in any," 

"Did she even live here?" Derek asks, holding cutting boards that have no marks of a knife even being near them.

"Something is telling me she didn't," Spencer said looking at Ana and me.

"But we had hangouts here every month," I said, confusion lacing my voice.

"It could have been a prop house, to keep no one guessing," Morgan said, raising his brows. 

"What the hell is happening?" I mumbled biting my lip.

Authors note:

I know this is a short chapter but I promise the next few will be much longer !!

Pls don't be silent readers, comment your opinions 😭

I'm genuinely amazed by the number of people who are reading this book, thank you guys 💓 

I have so much school but instead, I decided to write fanfics for 5 hours, priorities ladies 🥰

I spent about 300$ this week on stupid shit and I'm slowly regretting it 😭 

this is what happens when you give a poor person money smh 

this is what happens when you give a poor person money smh 

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