Chapter 44

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"We have been walking for hours, Luca. Please... can we stop?" I beg. Luca and I expected there to be something near by, but even after walking for hours, nothing came into sight other than greenery.

Luca sighs  out of annoyance for my voice but doesn't reply.

"Maybe we could-"

"Stop talking! We aren't stopping. We have to keep moving. Trust me, we will find something soon." He cuts me off and keeps walking across the never ending field.

I roll my eyes behind his back and continue walking. My legs are quite short, so they get tired quicker than most, especially Luca, I think he could walk forever without feeling a hint of tiredness in his feet.  I don't think we slept very long considering it was outside, sitting under a tree. Luca's emotions have been so intense lately. I feel like I'm walking on egg shells around him. It is hard to tell what his next mood will be and frankly, I don't think he knows either. It is like his mind Is filled with invasive thoughts he cant shake, so he is lashing out towards me.

As we walk in silence, a chill creeps up on me. I rub my arms, trying to shake away the uncomfortable feeling but it protests, lingering on my skin. Why do I get this feeling pricking at my skin as though I made a terrible mistake. Did I? It doesn't feel like I made a mistake but maybe my conscience disagrees. How am I supposed to know what I feel anymore? Nothing feels right... but it doesn't feel wrong either. I feel like I shouldn't be here, with him. But just the thought of leaving him all alone after everything he has done for me makes me feel like I could vomit. I feel bad for just having these thoughts. I miss my family. I miss my hobbies and my bedroom, and my home. I don't think Luca could ever understand that, based on the only thing he has to call a home.

I wish we could just go back and blame everything on teenage runaway mistakes, but it is more than that, a lot more and everyone in America knows it by now.

I thought this was what I wanted, to stay with him. But maybe I don't anymore. Maybe I just want to pretend it never happened. I don't think anyone would blame me for what happened, it wasn't my fault I was kidnapped.

My thoughts wander, wander and wander until my mind almost feels numb. That Is when I give in.

"Can you please just talk to me."  I ask.

At first, I think he isn't going to reply. Until he stops and turns towards me.

"What do you want me to say? Sorry?" He looks at me with a cruel stare and the chill grows.

"What? No! I just want to talk to you." I frown slightly, confused as to why he would think I want him to apologise.

"Fine, we can ta-"

"A house." I interrupt him, my eyes focusing on the building in the near distance.

"What?" Luca turns around to see for himself. The house is almost completely hidden by the overgrown trees around us.

"Come on." He mumbles as he speed walks towards the house in front.

As we walk onto the property, gravel crunches under our feet and thunder rumbles above our heads.

"What is the plan?" I whisper but Luca decides to not reply. Instead, he walks towards the door and knocks three times before taking a step back.

The house looks almost completely abandoned. There is a few garden supplies and kids toys scattered around the porch and ground which makes it feel a little less eery.

Suddenly, the door in front of us opens and out steps a man with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Can I help you?" The tanned man asks. His fingers are covered in dirt and so is his cargo jacket.

"Yes, we were wondering if you could give us some directions." Luca speaks up.

"On foot?" The man raises a brow.

"Yeah." I nod.

"No." He shakes his head and leans against the door frame.

I frown and turn to Luca who is calm.

"Why not?" Luca questions him.

"It is at least a day walk to anything other than a road around here."  The man explains to us politely.

Luca rubs his forehead in annoyance and then smiles. He steps backwards and picks up a shovel laying by his feet.


Authors note

I am so sorry for the late update I haven't been online much in the last couple of months but I promise I will try find some free time to update this book in the next few days so make sure you look out for it! Thank you to everyone who is being patient and still sticking with me and this book :)

Love yall!

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