11 - the killer(s)

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: ̗̀➛ 🦋 *ೃ༄ Freya Parker03:03

Freya and Mike had been navigating through the underground passages of the sanatorium, their hearts racing with each step. They had been walking for almost twenty minutes. Letting her wrist lay against her side, Freya looked at Mike.

''Where do you think we're going?'' she quietly asked and Mike turned to her.

''Beats me... although I'm hoping that that door will show us something good,'' Mike replied.

Finally, having reached a locked door, they looked at each other.

''Lovely,'' Freya noted, observing the door. ''Of course, it's locked...''

Mike, peering through a grate, spotted someone. Freya noticed his expression change and rushed over. Her eyes widened immediately and her hand clasped to her mouth. Mike's arm reached out.

''Mike! What are you doing down there! There's a g-'' Sam gasped and almost jumped back. ''Oh, Mike, thank God you found me!''

''It's okay. You're okay,'' Mike comforted and Freya noticed the moment Sam's gaze softened, seeing her.

''Are you guys okay? I don't understand. How did you guys get here?'' Sam asked curiously although Freya sensed tension in her voice. ''How did you find me?''

''There's some fucking maniac up here on the mountain-'' Mike cursed, whispering.

''Yeah, I've noticed,'' Sam answered sarcastically. As she caught her breath, Sam's gaze shifted to Mike, her eyes wide with shock. "Where's Jessica? She's not with you?"

Mike's expression darkened, his jaw clenched with frustration.

"Jessica... she's gone," Mike replied in a low voice. ''That's why we went to the sanatorium.''

"What?!" Sam's voice rose with disbelief.

"He killed her, Sam," Mike's voice was heavy with sorrow and anger. "There's some maniac on the mountain trying to kill us. All of us. And I swear to God, when everyone was safe and accounted for, I was gonna hunt that fucker down and rip his nuts off one at a goddamn time."

Sam was stunned into silence, processing Mike's words as Freya stepped forward, her voice trembling but determined.

In the dimly lit room, Sam's revelations hung heavy in the air, each word sending shivers down Mike's spine. As Mike continued to explain everything they knew about the stranger, Freya glanced at the door.

"Listen, this guy who you're talking about... he attacked me," Sam's voice quivered with fear as she recounted her harrowing experience. "He showed me these videos, too, and one of them showed Josh being killed... just... ripped apart by this huge sawblade..."

"Jesus Christ!" Mike's voice was filled with horror and disbelief.

As Sam continued, her words tumbling out in a rush, she revealed even more unsettling details.

"I think he's living down here, and whoever the hell he is, he's obsessed with Hannah and Beth!" Sam's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and urgency.

"God damn," Mike muttered, his mind reeling with the implications of Sam's words.

But the shock didn't end there. Sam's discoveries seemed to unravel the mystery even further, each revelation more chilling than the last.

"But here is the crazy thing," Sam's voice wavered as she spoke, her eyes wide with disbelief. "I found these plans, like, blueprints for a crazy machine just like the one Josh was in, but it's fake... it was for a dummy."

"Sam, slow down..." Mike's voice was strained, his mind struggling to process the information overload.

As Sam delved deeper into her findings, her voice took on a note of desperation, her words carrying a sense of urgency.

"And Mike... I think... somehow Josh is involved in all of this -" Sam's voice trailed off, uncertainty creeping into her tone.

"Wait... What? How?" Mike's voice was filled with incredulity, his mind racing to make sense of the seemingly incomprehensible situation.

''Wait, Sam-'' Freya interrupted, whispering. ''There's a door over there. Can you open it?''

Amidst the chaos and confusion, there was a glimmer of hope as Sam managed to unlock the door, reuniting them with Freya. As they embraced, a sense of relief washed over them.

"Hey..." Mike's voice was soft as he greeted Sam, relief evident in his tone.

"Jeez. You look like hell," Sam's words were laced with a hint of teasing as she glanced at Mike's dishevelled appearance.

"Nice to see you too," Mike replied, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

As Sam prepared to change into a more suitable outfit, they turned away respectfully, giving her the privacy she needed.

''Sam... you were saying about Josh. How is or could he be involved?'' Freya asked, as her mind raced with confusion. Trying to piece together the timeline of events, she looked at Sam for a brief second. There was a nagging feeling that something didn't quite add up.

''I'm really not sure, but... there was a message from his doctor, and... it mentioned a "plan" that was like, a "bad idea," and now he's dead!'' Sam answered and Freya cleared her throat.

''God damn...'' Freya cursed and turned back to Mike. ''He never told me anything about this, I mean- of course, he wouldn't if this is some weird fucked up plan.''

''Yeah...'' Mike agreed and crossed his arms.

''But you said you were chased by the killer. When was the last time you saw him?'' Freya's voice was tinged with concern as she turned to Sam, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"About two hours ago, I think," Sam replied, her voice slightly muffled as she struggled with the unfamiliar clothing.

"Two hours ago..." Freya muttered to herself, checking her watch. "But that doesn't make sense. We saw him just two hours ago, too."

Sam's expression mirrored Freya's confusion as she finished changing, her eyes widening with concern.

"Where did he go?" she asked, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"We lost sight of him," Mike explained, his tone grim. "But we were together like two hours ago, running after Jess or... at least trying to find that motherfucker"

Freya knew something wasn't right, and they couldn't afford to ignore it any longer.

"It doesn't add up," Freya murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she exchanged a worried glance with Sam. She was already dressed.

''Okay. Done. Let's put this thing to bed,'' Sam stated confidently, turning around.

''Amen to that,'' Mike noted.

As Freya opened her mouth to speak, their silence was interrupted by a scream. Before they could dwell on it any longer, the sound of shrieks pierced the air, jolting them into action. With a shared sense of urgency, they rushed out of the room.

 With a shared sense of  urgency, they rushed out of the room

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