9 - old days of dancing and drinking

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: ̗̀➛ 🦋 *ೃ༄ Freya Parker02:24

As they navigated through the cramped small office, Mike's voice filled the silence with an idle and unrelated question, his tone casual yet tinged with a hint of nostalgia.

"Hey, Freya, do you remember prom?" he asked, his voice carrying a note of curiosity.

Freya paused, taken aback by the unexpected query.

"Junior prom?" she clarified, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah, that one," Mike confirmed with a nod, his gaze fixed on a stack of documents in his hands.

With a thoughtful expression, Freya reflected on the memory, her mind drifting back to that memorable night.

"Of course, I remember," she replied, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. What the hell could he be on about? Prom? Out of all the things to talk about. "Why?"

Their surroundings suddenly seemed less significant as Mike set aside the documents, his attention fully focused on their conversation.

"I don't know, just randomly thought about it," he admitted.

Freya's curiosity was piqued, and she turned to face him, her gaze searching his expression for clues.

"What made you think of it?" she inquired. ''These documents?''

As he met her gaze, a nostalgic glimmer danced in Mike's eyes.

"Just reminiscing, I guess," he mused, a small smile playing on his lips. "So, what do you remember about that night?" he asked, his curiosity evident in his voice.

: ̗̀➛ 🦋 *ೃ༄ Freya ParkerApril 25th, 2013

Freya's home was abuzz with excitement as she prepared for prom night. She had had numerous calls with her friends during the day, although most of them had been with Emily and Jessica. Freya would be lying if she said she wasn't thrilled for the night. Dressed in a stunning red gown, she twirled in front of the mirror, her parents beaming with pride as they captured the moment on camera.

"Your date's here, honey!" her mom called a hint of amusement in her voice.

Freya laughed, rolling her eyes playfully.

"Please don't embarrass me," she teased, smoothing down her dress. ''This is everything but a date.''

Her stepdad peered out the window.

"He's here," he announced with a grin and looked back at her with a grin. His face changed into a sarcastic serious pout. ''And better not everything.''

"Oh, stop it," Freya protested though she couldn't suppress a smile.

As her mom went to answer the door, Freya stepped aside, as instructed by her. Closing her eyes, she leaned against the counter, trying not to laugh at the comical seriousness of the moment.

She watched the door open.

''Ahh, Chris!'' Freya's mom greeted the one standing on the threshold. He wore a broad smile on his face. ''So good to see you!''

''Hey, Mrs. Parker!'' he greeted warmly, earning a reciprocal greeting from both of Freya's parents. ''Mr. Parker.''

Freya emerged from the shadows of the kitchen counter and was met with a flourish eliciting a grin from Chris.

"Wow! You look... amazing," he complimented sincerely.

Freya grinned and looked down, approaching him.

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