7 - you'll catch me, won't you?

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: ̗̀➛ 🦋 *ೃ༄ Freya Parker01:03

As Mike and Freya looked at the foreboding entrance of the sanatorium, a chill wind whispered through the barren trees and on their backs. The once-grand building stood before them. Old and decayed, Freya noted. The windows were shattered and boarded up.

Mike sighed loudly and watched, as the stranger disappeared inside, the wolves following him closely.

''Alright,'' he muttered and, placing the lantern on the rock fence, pushed himself upward. Freya watched as he raised himself upward and stood up, his expression uncomfortable. He reached to pick up the lantern and jumped down. After a low grunt, Freya heard his voice. ''All right... come here.''

''On my way,'' she answered quietly and followed his manoeuvres. However, having pushed herself upward, her eyes widened at the unexpected drop below.

''Careful-'' Mike whispered, readying his arms. ''I'll catch you.''

''What?'' Freya asked, her expression changing suddenly, as she looked below.

''Yeah, come on-'' Mike encouraged, placing the lantern on the snowy ground, and lifting his arms in the air. ''I'm ready.''

Freya chuckled, even though her eyebrows expressed worry. With a sigh, she looked forward at the dark building. There was no other way. They had to go there, didn't they?

''You'll catch me, won't you?'' she asked in a weak voice, causing Mike to smile below her.

With a grin, he replied.

''Promise,'' nodding, he spoke.

Having let go, Freya felt a brief moment of fear until he felt his touch against her body. Mike held her tightly around the waist. Their eyes met momentarily. She let herself admire him for a second. A breath escaped from Freya, as she glanced down.

''Thank you,'' she whispered and nodded.

She did not want to admit it. She did not want to admit that she had felt it.

''Told 'ya I'd catch you,'' Mike said, releasing her, and looked down. Picking up the lantern, he flicked his head toward the building. ''Time to go.''

As Mike and Freya approached the entrance of the sanatorium, they found the main door locked tight.

"Can you believe this place was condemned in '54?" Freya whispered, her voice barely audible above the howling wind, as they observed a sign. ''Josh never told me...''

''Creepy,'' Mike murmured and glanced at her. ''Wonder what went down here.''

''Maybe we'll find out,'' Freya sighed and looked at him with a worried expression.

Freya's attention was drawn to Mike, as he crouched nearby.

''Look,'' he noted quietly. ''Come. On!''

Freya nodded supportingly, watching Mike's arms pull on the metal and uncover a hidden entrance.

''Good eye,'' Freya smiled and Mike nodded unsurely.

''Not that I want to go down there...'' he said and peeked inside. ''Complete darkness.''

Nodding again, Freya handed the lantern to Mike.

''How does it look?'' she asked, crouching next to him and peeking inside.

Taking a deep breath, Mike cursed under his breath.

''Alright,'' he muttered and jumped down, landing unsteadily on his feet. Freya observed his discomforted expression, as he looked around. Their eyes met. ''Come down. It's okay.''

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