Chapter 3 : New girl?

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8:15 A.M
Wellmark College

The professor enters,followed by a new girl. She had light brown wavy hair, simple black eyes and a tall figure (probably 5'8 like Serene's)

Professor James

Good morning class. Please welcome out new student Vivienne Mendez. She is a transfer student all the way from New York. Please have a seat next to Serene, the girl sitting on table no. 2

*Meanwhile Serene texts Zara*

Meeting at cafeteria today at recess!




Yep! Selena,Elina,Kath and me. All are here!


Tysm. So there's a new girl at our class and she is like really pretty. I was thinking we add her in our group


We can! We also have a vacant bed in our dorm!!


I have no probs.


Yay! New friend!


Lol Elina. I'll arrange for her phone number!

You 'N Me : A flight to the pastNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ