
"Honey, I couldn't tell this to you because I knew it would break your heart. I was going to end this and come back home." She looked up at me. 

Why the fuck was she going along with this?

I looked down at a smiling April who, mind you, has always scowled at the sight of me. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered at her. 

"Come on, baby, don't be so mad at me. I know how possessive you are over me that is why I didn't tell you about this blind date my mother arranged." My stomach internally vomited at the sweetness in her tone. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Ice queen?" I tried to free my arm from her grasp but her grip only got stronger as her nails dug into my skin through the jacket. 

"Oh my, are we back to our old nicknames? Don't be like this, honey. I was going to tell you about this." She said. 

"Stop it. I am not going to sit and watch your domestic scene." Harrison's angry voice came. "No one has ever done this to me. I gave you my precious time and you come here with your boyfriend?"

"Well, I told you didn't I, Mr. Smith? I made it very clear that I wasn't interested in a relationship with you at all." The smugness in April's voice made me realise that I had just helped her in ditching her date instead of ruining it. 

"I've never been disrespected like this. NEVER!" Harrison shouted and people around us stared here. 

"Harrison, you've mis- OWWW" I was cut by an excruciating pain in my foot. I looked down to find April's heel digging into my foot. When I looked up I was met with her glaring eyes which said 'You better shut the fuck up.'

"I think this is enough to tell you that you and me are never going to happen." April smiled at Harrison. 

With one angry look Harrison stormed out of the cafe in a fit. The moment he was out of sight April withdrew her hand in a swift motion and took two steps away from me. 

"Seriously? Now you've started ditching dates?" I crossed my arms.

"Only on special occasions when a boyfriend I don't know exists crashes the date." She answered as she rummaged through her bag. 

"I wanted to ruin your date." I huffed. 

"Oh really? I thought you were actually in love with me. What will our children think when their dad says things like this?" The sarcasm in her voice brought back the satisfaction from before. It was so enjoyable to get on her nerves. 

"Yeah, well their mother was the one who went on a date with someone else, So, I am not the one at fault." I smirked. 

"Oh, shut up." She said while holding a plastic small bottle in her hands. 

"What is that?" I pointed at it. 

"Sanitizer. Can't get my hands dirty by touching you, now can I, Bates?" She squeezed the liquid on her hand and rubbed them together.

"I am going to have to triple wash and then dry clean my jacket. I am the one in loss here." I said. 

"Ma'am your cold coffee." A waiter appeared with a tray in his hands. 

"Give it to him, please." She pointed at me. "Consider this the compensation for your loss."

Saying that she walked away to the register to pay, i guess.

"Could you give this to me in a to go cup? Thanks." I patted the waiter without even waiting for his answer and walked over to April. 

I had finally gotten the chance to wind her up and no way in hell I was letting it go so easily. 

"Sup, Ice Queen." I stood next to her. 

"What do you want now, Bates?" She exasperatedly asked. "Go enjoy that coffee."

"I want to know why you ditched him?" I said. 

"That is none of your business. Now get out of my sight." She waved her hand in dismissal. 

"It is my business after all I was the reason you were able to get away from him." I smirked. 

"You did nothing, I was already planning to end this." She took back her credit card from the employee. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

I put a my hand in front of her, "Actually, I won't. I want to know what god awful thing did he do to make you like this."

"And I don't want to tell you. Now, move." She said. 

"Then should I go and tell him the truth." I turned around and started walking out of the door. "I'm sure he hasn't gone too far."

I was hardly a few steps out of the cafe when suddenly an elbow was around my neck me making me lose my balance and restricting the air flow. 

"You will do no such thing. I will kill you even if you try." April's threatening voice whispered in my ear. 

I tapped on her arm with my free hand, "I.. can't breath."

"Do you understand, Bates?" She asked. 

My answer was only a series of coughs trying to catch my breath. 

"Say that you understand." She tightened her grip. 

"I... understand. Now... le... let go!" I coughed. 

She removed her hand from my neck and dusted her hands together, "You better understand."

"You just head locked me!" I bent down still coughing my lungs out. 

"Yeah, think of it as my love language." She answered. 

I looked up and glared at her, "You almost made me drop my laptop."

"Oh, get over yourself. It's not like your laptop contains some international army secrets." She took out a water bottle from her bag and handed it over to me. 

"Could you at least open it? One of my hand is already occupied." I said. 

She opened the bottle and gave it to me. I started drinking the water when she stepped forward to me and pointed a threatening finger at me, "You better keep your mouth shut about this."

Saying that she walked away to her car and drove off without even looking back once. That woman had the unique talent to piss me off and make me murderous. 

I'll get you back for this, April Graham. Mark my words. 

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