Chapter 4

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When I walked into the cafe I was aware of all the gazes that followed me. This was normal. My family name was famous. This is what a long lasting legacy in the business world with two brothers as CEOs of multi national corporations and one brother with a well established name in the entertainment industry brings. 

I was the unsuccessful sibling but that didn't stop the curious looks. Every move mine is scrutinized and even the tiniest mistake makes headlines without my name along with my brothers' name. 

'Billionaire Vincent Chae's younger brother...' 

'CEO Archer Chae's elder bother...'

'Actor and musician Roman Chae's brother...'

I was at the cafe to maybe get some inspiration and write something. Staying locked in my penthouse wasn't getting me anywhere. Maybe a change of scenery and being around people will get me some fuel to write. 

As I stood infront of the register to order something I overheard some employees talking. 

"Isn't that Harrison Smith? But who is that woman with him?" One asked. 

"That is April Graham, the eldest daughter of Matthew Graham." The other answered. 

My head turned at the mention of April. What was the biggest ice block of Antarctica doing here?

I followed their eyes and spotted April sitting in the far corner of the cafe engaged in a conversation with the industrialist Harrison Smith. 

"Do you think they are on a date?" The conversation of the employees continued.

"If they are, I am so jealous of her." 

A date, you say? Well looks like it is my time for a little revenge from the old days. 

I walked over to their table as my master plan brewed in my head. I stopped beside them. Both of their confused faces looked at me. Looking down at April I smiled as a small warning for what was about to come. 

"How could you do this to me, baby?" I brought out my inside actor. Who says Roman is the only good actor in the family?

"What?" April looked up at me with confusion.

"Baby, you said you were going to work. How could you go out on a date with another man?" I put a hand over my heart showing how hurt I was.

"And you are?" Harrison asked.

"I am the man who is madly and desperately in love with April." Even though it took everything in me not to cringe as I said that I was in love with the Ice Queen herself. 

"What the fu-" I heard April whisper.

"How could you could you do this to us? Our kids? What will Milo and Stella think of this?" Times like these are when I am thankful over the fact that pets exist. Her dog and my plant. Such great siblings, I must say. 

"Milo?" April asked.

Harrison looked at her with utter shock and confusion, "You are already seeing someone?"

Satisfaction filled up inside me as I saw the same scene from years ago repeat itself but this time with position switched. 

April was great at keeping her emotions away from her face but the tick in her jaw was enough to tell me she was pissed at me. There, at least something good will happen today.  

But nothing could've prepared me for what happened next. 

April stood up from her place and looped her hand around my arm, "Yes, I am."

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