Chapter 3

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"Fucking jerk." I muttered under my breath as I parked near La Grande Boucherie.

That Harrison piece of shit changed the place to meet after I texted him that I had already arrived at Cafe Alera. It was already hard for me to get two half days one after the other from work and he thinks it is convenient for me drive for 15 mins because he 'didn't feel like eating in Cafe Alera today'.

Entitled douchebag. I HATE it when when rich people act like other people's time is at their disposal.

I walked into the bustling cafe. I looked around for a table with a man in a suit but nothing in sight resembled that description.

Did he leave? I would be so happy if that is the case.

"April!" A man's voice came from the far end of the cafe called. He was in a cream suit, with perfectly styled hair and oddly wearing sunglasses indoors. He did look like Harrison but the problem was there was a woman already sitting opposite to him. 

Confusedly I walked to the table, "Hi,"

"I was just waiting for you." He gave me a smile. 

"I am sorry for making you wait." I politely said for formality. 

"Nahh, it is fine. Anyways, you accepted your mistake." He said. 

"My? My mistake?" I asked in utter shock.  

"Yeah, just a minute." He turned to the woman in front of him. "It was good meeting you, Maddy. But now my date is here so, you can leave." 

"Until next time." The woman stood up from her place and winked at Harrison. As she walked away she kept glaring at me like I ran over her foot with car or something. 

"Please don't be shy. Have a seat, April." Harrison motioned at the now empty chair. 

"Yeah," I uncertainly sat down. Well, there goes the first impression down the drain. 

"Would you like anything to eat?" He asked ever so gentlemanly. 

"A cold coffee will be fine." I answered. He ordered and his manners seemed very good. Unlike the description and rumors I had heard of him he seemed quite the opposite. 

Maybe, I misunderstood the situation before. 

"I heard you came directly from work," He smiled. 

"Yeah," I nodded. 

"Is that what you wear everyday to work?" He skeptically pointed at my outfit. 

I looked down at my outfit and then looked at him. I am in a fucking Chanel vest. It wasn't too loud nor did it look like I didn't take any effort. 

"Yes, I wear similar outfits to work." I took a sip of the water in front of me. 

His face showed clear disappointment, "Well, that will have to change."

"Excuse me?" I asked in utter shock.

"I prefer my women more feminine. So, you will have to start wearing dresses on daily basis." He nonchalantly said. 

"And you think I'll let you dictate any of my choices?" I rhetorically asked.

"If you want this relationship to work then you'll have to do just as I say." Every word of this piece of trash's mouth made me disgusted. 

"That's the point Mr. Smith I do not want this relationship at all." I answered to him. 

My eyes strayed at the the entrance of the cafe as a tall lean figure entered. I knew very well who he was. Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse it did.

As Miles Chae entered the cafe with a laptop in his hand and the other hand gliding through his hair many eyes turned to him. His presence was loud to say the least. The complete Fendi ensemble attracted attention from people. Even though in New York people wear all sorts of things and on lookers don't bat an eye but roaming around in designers clothes will certainly attract attention. 

"I have been informed that you don't have the option to refuse to this." He smirked and leaned back in his chair. 

My fists balled up, "You've got the wrong information. This is my decision to make and I would rather spend my life being single than date a misogynist like you."

"There is nothing misogynistic in having preference about what your girlfriend wears." He said earning a scoff from me. 

The audacity of the male species never ceases to disappoint me. Even in the courtroom there are so many misogynists who think it is not a woman's place as a lawyer. 

"It is when your preference is like an order. Also, aren't you a bit too confident that I am going to be your girlfriend? I clearly have denied any interest in you." 

I know just how this preferences turn into commands and slowly turn into a ironclad grip around your neck which doesn't let you breath. 

"Your denial doesn't matter here, your father has already told me that this cannot be turned down." Harrison's arrogance made me want to choke him to death. 

"Mr. Smith, if you aren't already aware it is important for both parties to consent to a proposal for it to become a relationship otherwise it is considered non consensual and a form of assault." I said to him. Something else caught my attention. I was Miles walk in my direction with a smirk on his face. It was truly unsettling. 

What was this spawn of Satan planning?

"You know, this is why I don't date lawyers. You people are too stubborn to understand anyone else." Harrison shook his head. 

"I don't think standing your correct ground is considered being stubborn." I answered. 

Harrison opened his mouth to say something but both of our attentions turned to our side as Miles came and stood beside our table. He looked down at me with a smile which was enough for me to know something devious was coming. 

"How could you do this to me, baby?" Miles's voice sounded hurt and betrayed.

"What?" I looked at him with confusion.

"Baby, you said you were going to work. How could you go out on a date with another man?" Miles put a hand over his heart.

Who the fuck is baby here?

"And you are?" Harrison asked.

"I am the man who is madly and desperately in love with April." Miles answered.

"What the fu-" I whispered.

"How could you could you do this to us? Our kids? What will Milo and Stella think of this?" Miles looked at me.

"Milo?" I asked.

Harrison looked at me with utter shock and confusion, "You are already seeing someone?"

I was about to deny it but an idea popped in my head. Why to deny this while I can take up this opportunity to end this once and for all?

I stood up from my chair and looped my hand around Mile's arm, "Yes, I am."

Miles looked at me with shock and Harrison looked at us with anger.

"Honey, I couldn't tell this to you because I knew it would break your heart. I was going to end this and come back home." I looked up and Miles and smiled at him.

His face was laugh worthy. I bet he didn't expect his plan to flip up on him. 

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