Love is weird like that sometimes.


I felt like everyone I knew was at our graduation, even Evelyn and Peter showed up which was a delightful surprise.

I just wanted to be with Blaze.

We'd been through so much and I couldn't stand to be away from him for more than a few hours.

The library had extended my hours which was nice of them. I had found a local college a few towns north of Edison where I also received a paid internship at their local paper. I accepted immediately and was completely thrilled when Blaze told me he was going to apply for a trade school for automotive that was close to my college.

He was still going to work for his dad as often as he could, but Shawn knew this was what his son wanted to do and he wasn't bitching anymore about it. We made each other happy and I think we made each other better people.

Hell, I had even talked Blaze into selling some of his artwork and when a few paintings actually sold, he was on top of the world.

It wasn't going to be easy and we rarely spoke about that day or the months leading up to it. I'd wake up with night terrors so often that Blaze just held me most nights as closely as he could. I knew he blamed himself for what happened to me, but I told him he couldn't keep doing that. He would have to move on from it. He would have to because our future depended on it.

I wanted to live in the now and so did he.


I decided my girl needed a retreat from Avery and everyone's bullshit so I made plans to take her to Hawaii, specifically the island of Kauaʻi.

I'd made arrangements with my father to let me take some time off and then I used my savvy to ask the library to give her time off. She'd no idea I was going to take her on vacation until I pulled out the plane tickets that night after graduation. I'd made all of the reservations two weeks earlier without her knowing. For weeks, I'd been researching the best place for couples to go where it was fancy and top-notch, but still reserved and peaceful.

"I have something for you," I was telling her as we headed out to my car. We didn't want to go to any parties and neither one of our families had any care to hang out with each other just yet, so we didn't mind being alone.

"Oh?" She smiled at me as I pulled out the envelopes. Her eyes lit up and she looked like a kid in a candy store, "Blaze! Oh my goodness!" She flung her arms around me, nearly knocking me over, but I would have gladly tumbled to the ground with her if that's what she asked of me.

I'd never been to Hawaii, either, but I knew that this was a trip we needed to take. Together.. Alone..


I was in paradise.

It was such a change from home and I knew Blaze was taking it all in, too. We needed this time together away from it all. I loved the way he made me feel and I wanted him to know that he was my everything.

We'd grown up together and then grew apart only to be reunited in turmoil, but we were one and my heart skipped beats every time he was around. If he called me, my stomach was awash with butterflies. When he made love to me, I was at his command. When he thought I was hurting or sad, he'd make damn sure to take care of me the way no one else had in my entire life.

He wanted to give me the best, but he was my best.

We were set up in a little resort that had some private bungalows available. I knew why he'd done this. I'd told him about my fantasies of making love to him on the beach. I was so embarrassed telling him that, but he'd admitted that there were times he'd thought of me. I figured he was saying it to make me feel less awkward, but he laughed.

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