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I was in Heaven.

She followed me to school that morning and I couldn't help but smile the entire way there.

She'd wave at me when we were stopped at red lights, try to keep up with me when I was naughtily speeding and flip that hair of hers when she thought I wasn't ogling her through my rearview.

She parked next to me in the back lot, melting into my arms as we talked to the guys and the girls they were now seeing. It was nice to gaze at the love developing between Greg and Melissa. He was over the moon for her.

I wanted to hold Sapphire forever, but responsibilities called and we had to part, but I bothered her all day with my text messages. I had her sitting on my lap at lunch and holding my hand during history class.

I walked her to work at the library, my arm linked with hers the entire way. She was late because I couldn't keep my hands off of her and her lips were just too sweet to turn down.

The "I love yous" continued until she slipped away from me.

I watched as she walked through the doors and waved to me as she disappeared into the back office.

I whistled on my way to work. Even Dad couldn't get on my fucking nerves, even though he tried. He was pissed off at Brenda, who'd gone to stay with her parents somewhere in Edison after he found out she'd been seeing other men. I tried to tell him, but Sapphire had taught me not to rub it in his face if I was right so I didn't.

I just did my job and thought about the future with my beautiful girl.

I thought maybe she'd come back to the townhouse that night, but she messaged me around 9 and said that Ruby wanted to take a drive to see their Mom for the weekend.

I was a little jealous they were taking my girl away again, but I understood. Every few hours, I'd get a little cute emoji message from her that made my heart skip a beat.

It was Friday night so I decided to hit up some parties with the boys. I got the usual questions regarding Sapphire and I was happy to tell the world that we were back together and it was real. Everyone could fuck off.

Jordan seemed distracted, but I think Rachel wasn't returning the same feelings he had for her and Matt was not interested in Erica. We'd forgiven Jordan for drunkenly telling Rachel about the bet. When you're whipped and drunk, bad shit happens.

The graduation/going away parties were still going strong and I was at Rob's this time. Erica was adamant on hanging around me and the guys.

"Where's Sapphire?" She asked me, leaning closer to my side.

"Out of town," I chugged my beer. I wasn't going to make conversation with this woman. She was trouble and something didn't sit right with me about her, especially how she was when my girl wasn't around.

"That's too bad. She's missing a good party," Erica ran her hand down my arm and I tensed, but not in the way Sapphire made me tense up with seductive anticipation. Erica made my skin crawl, "Stop, Erica."

"You're nothing without me, Baxter," Erica smirked, "I could give you so much more than she could ever imagine."

"I don't want anything from you. Move on! The only reason you still want me is because I broke up with you, " I glared at her, "What happened with Matt? "

Guess that struck a nerve because she narrowed her eyes at me and walked away.

I'd found out through the grapevine that Matt was indeed smitten with Erica, but not her lifestyle. Matt didn't come from Avery either and her high maintenance was too much for him so he moved on.

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