You Owe Me

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I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Blaze, I can't just go home with you! I have my own life. My own responsibilities..." I trailed off, but Blaze was shaking his head.

"I'm not asking," he said. His eyes were dark and he was shaking. I'd seen him angry many times before and his temper was infamous.

"You don't have a choice right now," he kept hold of my arm. Porter was eyeballing us as he spoke with my Dad. I was going to get it when I got home and I was so tired of his antics.

"Fine," I said in a whisper, barely recognizing myself anymore, "Let me get the van and make some phone calls."

Porter strolled over telling us that Dad agreed to sleep off his bender and head to wherever he was staying that week. He told us to basically get lost after that.

"Don't you dare even look at him,"Blaze still had a good grip on my arm when he shoved me into the passenger side of the Impala. He watched Porter put my father in the back of the squad car as the car warmed up, "Text your sisters."

I quickly pulled out my phone, keeping my head down, I could see the police car drive by and Blaze kept his gaze on me, "Just text them."

"I am!"I was shaking so violently now that Blaze was getting frustrated with me, "Why are you so angry with me?"

He didn't answer and I didn't ask again.

"You owe me for this, Sapphire," He said, revving the engine. I glared at him. How could he think I wanted this to happen.

"You're insane,"I told him as we peeled out of the parking lot, "Is your dad going to mind?"

"He won't give a fuck," Blaze kept his eyes on the road and his hands gripped the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white, "He's probably not back from his vacation anyway."

I had heard that Blaze's stepmother had his dad gallivanting all around the world these days, spending up all the wealth. Blaze was left to deal with the family business and, from I'd heard, he was good at his job.

"We'll get your van, get your shit and get back to my place," Blaze pulled into the school parking lot next to my van.

"My sister is going to meet us at my place to exchange cars,"I told him, but he wasn't listening anymore, "What do I owe you, Blaze?" I didn't want to ask and I didn't understand why he was doing this to me.

He turned to look at me, his eyes were sad, but then he smiled, the color coming back into his face, "You already know."


I hated watching her like that and I hated how I felt. I followed her to her apartment where she lead me into her room. It was typical Spooks: macabre and filled with books.

"How'd you get so creepy, Spooks?"I asked sitting on her bed, watching her grab some clothes and other items.

"You gave me the nickname," She said, grabbing her phone charger and what looked to me some personal stuff, "Don't you remember? I was always into this fantasy, Gothic stuff and you called me spooky when we were, like, eight. Then it turned into Spooks and everyone started calling me that."

I had given her that nickname? How could I forget that?

I watched her in those jeans and I wanted so badly to take her right there on that bed, but we needed to get back to my place. I couldn't very well dominate her here. It wasn't my terriitory.


She looked at her phone and then glanced at me.


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