Kingly Ambitions: Team Nerve

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The sounds of breathless panting rung across the area as a pair of thick boots barged their way through the thick sands of an unforgiving desert. The sounds of paper fluttering in the wind drowned out by the harsh sandstorm that consumed the area. Eventually, all came to a pause as the malefactor reached a clearing with a multitude of camps set up around the immediate vicinity. Concentrating on their objective they took a specific pathway before reaching a hatch in the ground. They opened up the steel trapdoor and dropped down without bothering to use the ladder.

Their boots made a distinct clang as they ran down the metal corridor before they frantically began entering a pin combination when they reached a barred door. Running across one more hallway they encountered 3 doors. They hurriedly approached the centre door and brazenly opened it to find 3 very imposing figures already on the other side of the room.

 They hurriedly approached the centre door and brazenly opened it to find 3 very imposing figures already on the other side of the room

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On their left, an extremely tall woman with unruly hair that reached down to her back. It covered almost half of her face, leaving her other eye completely drowned in darkness par a single red gem piercing through her sclera. Her nose was pierced by a single golden ring, and as she opened her mouth to speak she unveiled a row of teeth sharp enough to make a Sharpedo's look dull on comparison.

"Oi, buzz off will ya? We're in the middle of something important."

"S-Sorry Greed, but it's Gluttony! They've turned themselves in!"


The grunt presented what he was holding in his hand, a newspaper which had the event they were talking about on the front page. One of the other people in the room established their presence, heading over towards the grunt to acquire the paper they were holding.

The one that was on their right, a few inches shorter than Greed, his hair was far shorter though it similarly had part of it hanging over his face, albeit the opposite side. His sclera was a more expected clean white, though the same scarlet hue was present in his visible eye. His face from the nose down was covered over by bandana of Team Nerve's primary colours. He looked at the front page, then walking back to his place as he handed it to the final individual who was sitting in the middle of him and Greed.

The final one, a man with a pair of pitch black sunglasses hiding his eyes from view. Just his presence alone made the grunt delivering the news anxious. He looked upon the news himself, before a small smirk leaving his face. He flipped through the pages, the only thing breaking the otherwise dead silence within the room. After a skim through he closed the newspaper and put it aside before looking at the grunt.

"Wow. Impressive isn't it? Jazmine Maho... and her two friends."

"D-Don't worry though boss we'll make sure this is only a minor setback!"

"Oh, I know you will. Though this is quite the interesting development. I'm sure Lust will be surprised to hear the news. The question now is...where will she go next?"

The boss thought for a moment. It seems very easy to assume that Jazmine hasn't encountered Envy yet, otherwise their likely would've been mention of her being there before having bested Gluttony. If she plans on going after more of them it stands to reason she may target Envy before reaching Lust.

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"I-Idris, boss!"

"I have a job for you, Idris. Get in touch with those with the Onyx Province. I have a task for them there."

He began to deliberate the details of what he wanted Idris to relay. What was being said was quite a surprise to Idris but he wasn't about to question the inner machinations of his boss.

"R-Right! I'll do it now!"

Idris dashed out of the room and left back the way he came. Not too long after Greed spoke up, wondering about why the boss made the decisions he did.

"I don't get it boss, I woulda thought you wanted to focus near the Red Province. Y'know considering they're close to Envy. Wouldn't you wanna try and stop 'em there?"

"Hahaha. You needn't worry, it will make sense when the time comes. Now then, back to the topic at hand."

Meanwhile, in a holding cell in Benti Town...

Esuri, their two grunts which seem strapped to their waist - Destiny and Princess - as well as a couple of other Team Nerve stragglers were biding their time within their jail cell. Esuri was drinking a soft drink, who knows how they got that in there. Eventually Destiny spoke up, with a mixture of boredom and mild annoyance about the whole thing.

"Why didn't you tell us you were gonna turn yerself in huh? And why'dya have to drag Princess and I too you let the others leave..."

Esuri quickly chugged what was left of their beverage and crushed its container to size.

"You were really gonna high tail it after everything we've been through? And here I though we had something special, you just stabbed my cold and jaded heart. If anything you should be thanking me."

"Thanking you? We're gonna be locked up in some dungeon and be forced to wear jumpsuits for the rest of our lives! We're prolly ain't even gonna be in the same prison!"

Destiny pouted. She looked to Princess for validation but her partner seemed to be busy taking a nap through this whole ordeal. Her pouting turned to mild disappointment and annoyance she could be so casual in this situation, Esuri too.

"I'd be flattered if I got my own place, but let's be real they're throwing me with all the other gals here. So don't act like you're rid of me just yet. The boss should probably be able to get us bailed though, so you'll be able to say your goodbyes or whatever then."

Destiny didn't seem particular more pepper by that news. But Esuri mentioned their more truthful reason.

"Those runts had us beat, I don't think I could call myself a worthwhile admin if I got beat by a bunch of brats. Even Envy outlasted me and he's a real pain in the backside. At least when Hell kicks up we'll have a nice view from the outside."

Destiny raised an eyebrow. "When Hell kicks up"? What did Esuri mean by this?

"You look surprised. We've been practically unstoppable since our inception, this ain't a one time deal. Nobody else is gonna give themselves up if they get taken out. If you thought we were good at causing chaos before, just you wait. Not even a legendary could match the rampage that's gonna happen if those runts keep going as they are."

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