chapter Nine

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Yunlan can't believe his eyes what he's looking at his beautiful husband shen wei is alive . He's looking at a video in which shen wei coming out  of that same building which blasted by that criminal yunlan killed but he's not alone and he's looking perfectly fine too .

For a while Yunlan stared at that video . He can't see other man face as it covered with white hoodie but he can easily see his creepy smile while licking his lips and yunlan asked zhu hong how she get this video as there were no camera's in that abondonden factory then she told him that the source is unknown sender  and it came on SID official mail and its like they filmed that video themselves.

" I need everything about this sender right now " shout yunlan . Deep down he knew shen wei is alive as they didn't found his body but he couldn't found him anywhere .

Ling jing knock on yunlan office door  " come in " said an irritated voice of his voice . He knew yunlan is too much stressed these days after the he heard his husband is alive but don't know where is he  " What it is ? " yunlan asking hoping something ling jing found.

" Boss I couldn't found about the sender as it deleted its account but I found something about the case as we caught a glimps  of man dragging a women with him and sinking his fangs in her neck sucking her blood and its seems the assumptions were correct he is a vampire and then he disappear in forest close to your house ". Yunlan knew vampire exist as he himself saw them but how to find them or fight them . He don't  know much about vampires and there is one of them who saved yunlan twice from his own kind . They have to find them to stop them milling people . He heard about there weakness like they can't walk in sun or they get burn by silver. He read some books about vampires after some cases .

" we have to search that forest but in day not night it can be very dangerous for us , lets go  " yunlan said as whole SID team went into the forest.

Yunlan and zhu hong searching togther while ling jing and sang Zhang and chu and Guo together . They were all setting traps together to caught there pray .

While looking for traits of vampires zhu hong looked at yunlan " you got more thin and pale yunlan " she said looking worried.  She loved yunlan very much that's why she said yes when Mr zhao proposed marriage with yunlan after engagement she got to know that yunlan love somone else and that happens to be a handsome and kind professor shen wei . So she helped him to elope before their wedding . But after shen wei passed away its like yunlan died too . He's like a walking corspe always working . Sometimes he fainted on work from malnutrition. She can't look at him like that. She was in her own world when yunlan said " I miss him " as a tear drop from his eye and zhu hong can't help but wipe that tear as she Stare at yunlan who have his eyes closed , she don't know when she went so close to yunlan face and about to kiss when they heard sound a big tree falling on land.

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