XXXII. How tf did this happen?

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Three days later.
Evening, 4:56 p.m.

All of you sighed after wishing the males goodbye.
"Don't they love us too much?", Miaoyi asked. All of you chuckled.
"They do.", Jihyo agreed.
"Do baby princesses want to go on a date?", you asked.
The youngers nodded.
"Okay! Go get dressed!"
"Dress according to what?", Yeri asked.
"Hm... let's have a shopping date since we've almost no food left at home."
All of you laugh.
"More like- girls, get ready for grocery shopping!", Sana said and all of you laughed.
"I'll get y'all what you want that's why it's kind of a date.", you said.

Five days later.

All of you were seated in a café, going through some reports and files since all of you were wanting to have a coffee date with eachother.

"If I make an incision over here, won't it trouble the spleen?", Chaeyoung asked.
"See, I don't really know about that but the tumor is over here so there's no other option.", Mina said.
"This condition seems horrible.", Jiwon tsked. "Poor lady!"

"Umhm... the skin has completely melted.", Jihyo added.

"Y'all, I got a case. It was a twelve year old. She was pregnant.", Suji said. All of you hissed.
"Oh my gosh..."
"She got pregnant by a twenty year old."

"This lady's husband doesn't seem so healthy.", Dahyun expressed.
"What's the matter?", Miaoyi asked.
"He refuses to talk or eat or sleep. We had him under supervision, he doesn't sleep without four doses of sleeping pills."
"This sounds more like Yn unnie's case.", Mina said.
"He requires a ct-scan.", you said and your phone buzzed. "Seungcheol messaged."
"Oh mah gawd!"

""Oh mah gawd!"

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"Awh!", the girls pouted

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"Awh!", the girls pouted.
"This time it's a small mission, yay.", Nagyung squealed and all of you smiled.
"Yes! So focus back, kiddos!", you said and continued.
"You're so chilled right now.", Chaeyoung stated.
"Yeah. They're immortal vampires, so anyways.", you shrugged.
"Imagine them seeing us kill people.", Tzuyu said.
All of you laughed.
"They're gonna give us a position in the vampire world.", Yeri said making all of you agree.

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