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Chapter-42: Rakhu chupa k main sab se woh Laila

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Chapter-42: Rakhu chupa k main sab se woh Laila


- Mahenoor Zarar Khan

I left the room with a big hearty smile to prepare something for my family as they must be hungry after a long journey.

Oh, I missed them so much.

I was so happy to see them here. The smile was not leaving my face And the spark of happiness was also illustrated in my eyes.

In my thoughts, I left the room without looking here and there. It was breakfast time and I already prepared the food for both of us but now my family was also here so obviously I needed to make some extra food.

After thinking about what to prepare, I finally started to work. First of all, I have to make tea for them. As I know my family needs nothing but only tea at first. I boiled the milk and added the water after that added the tea leaves, sugar, and most importantly ginger. And after just a few minutes of having patience the tea boiled.


The Aroma of the tea spread everywhere and I inhaled it. Just inhaling it my mind relaxed and I sighed in relaxation.

After a few seconds, I took out the stored kabab from the refrigerator to fry, and On the stove to heat the oil. Till then I was thinking about what to make something sweet for my trio and yeah Rayyan Bhai too. But I was not getting the idea.

Urgh, what should I make?

That was when the oil almost got heated up. I took the kababs and slowly started to dip them in the oil.

What about cake?

I thought about making the cake but no, it was not a good idea. It would take time and sadly I didn't have it, they must be hungry. I flipped the kababs Still thinking about what to make.

"Oh yes, I can make the kheer."

I muttered happily and hurriedly started to make it too after frying the kabab. In between my thoughts, the tea was also done and I was just thinking about pouring them out of the cup. That was when I heard his voice, who was calling my name.

For one second, my heart stopped beating as he called me. The way he always called my name made my heart stop and my breath hitch.


Oh, wait. He not only called my name but yelled in an irritating voice too.

I turned towards him immediately and glanced at him, who was looking at me with pouted lips and angry eyes.

He looks cute.

I thought. But I realized that it was not the right time to do such things. I cleared my throat and slightly shook my head to clear my thoughts about my husband.

𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐌𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐧Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora