Chapter 11

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His result was as always very good in the board exam. She is preparing for her exam. He helps her in her studies.
He gives her important notes.

Some days later, in his college freshers program will be happen. So, he tell her to come with him. She hesitate first but later she agree to go with him. She manage her mom. She tells lies to her mom for the very 1st time.

They both gets ready and finally they meet.

Rehan : You are looking so beautiful!

Roshni : Thank you. You also look good.

Rehan : ( she is looking so Beautiful that I can't takes my eyes off.)

Roshni :stop staring at me. Let's go. (Pulls his hand)

They both reached there. Then he buys her Red Roses. They both eat so many things. They enjoy the concert .

When they are returning he buys chocolate. He give it to her in the bus.

Rehan : Take it.

Roshni : No, I'm fine. You eat this.

Rehan : Now, you want me to feed you?

Roshni : When did I said this?

Rehan : Doesn't give her the chance to say something. He just feed her the chocolate .

Roshni :( Eats it) Do you want some?

Rehan : Yes, feed me.

Roshni : Feeds him, today you have
just ate by my hand everything why?

Rehan : Because I like it. I also like your cooking.

Roshni : Thank you.

They returned home. At night, he call her.

Roshni : Hello!

Rehan : Hi. Madam! What are you doing now?

Roshni : I'm going to bed now and what about you?

Rehan : I'm on the bed .

Roshni : Just sleep now It's late.

Rehan : Talk to me. I will sleep later.

Roshni : what should I talk to you at this late hour?

Rehan : Everything. Just like you always do. I like your talkative side.

Roshni : (blush).

Rehan : Can you bring some foods made by you tomorrow?

Roshni : Sure, what do you want to eat?

Rehan : Payesh.

Roshni : okay. Rehan, what's your future plan?

Rehan : To be successful, married with my beloved lady , make my family proud and happy .

Roshni : who is your beloved lady?

Rehan : I will tell you later. But I love her very much. She is the most beautiful girl in the world.

Roshni : ok bye, I want to sleep now.

Rehan : Madam are you getting mad?

Roshni : Why would I?

Rehan : I don't know the reason but you know it.

Roshni : Bye, ( ends the phone) .

Rehan : Is she is getting jealous.?

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