Chapter 1 Silent Echoes

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In Amidst of buzzling City of Delhi, a family, "The Rajput" was well known and rich in all means by money and even heart too. The family members are the descendants of the royal lineage, carrying forward the legacy of their ancestors. While they were carrying the legacy, also were carrying something very nasty past which has always broke or destroyed the family. Today was "no full moon day".  Anjali Rajput was working in Kitchen along with servants as her family members were having a get-together. She heard some servants talking. As the moonless night descended upon the estate, Anjali overheard the hushed conversation of the servants. "Tonight is the night of the new moon," one whispered urgently to another, "my grandmother warned me that something un-auspicious or ominous might occur tonight." Anjali's heart quickened at the mention of her grandmother's premonition. Though fear threatened to overtake her, she knew she must remain composed. With a resolve born of necessity, she stepped forward, her voice steady yet tinged with an edge of authority. "Enough of this idle chatter," Anjali admonished firmly, her words cutting through the tense atmosphere. "There is work to be done, and stop  wasting time with gossiping and chattering ." Despite her own apprehension, Anjali refused to succumb to fear. With each passing moment, she buried her trepidation beneath a facade of stoicism, determined to maintain order amidst the chaos of uncertainty. Anjali had tensed face after the premonition she heard. Aakash Rajput, her husband came and asked, "What troubles you, my love? Why do you seem so tense?" Anjali hesitated, but the weight of servant's grandmother's premonition pressed upon a fact of no moon day, and she knew she couldn't keep it to herself. "It's servant's grandmother's warning," she confessed, her voice tinged with apprehension. "She spoke of something ominous, and I'm feared what if there would be recurrence of our family's past." Aakash's expression softened as he listened to her words, his gaze filled with understanding. "Fear not, my dear," he reassured her, his voice steady and comforting. "Whatever may come, I am here by your side. And after all these years, if fate has brought us back together, then let us leave behind these fears and focus on the joy of our reunion." Before Anjali could respond, Aakash's attention was diverted by the ringing of his phone. With a reassuring smile, he gently squeezed her hand before excusing himself to take the call. As he walked away, he glanced back at Anjali, his eyes urging her to find solace in his words and to cast aside her worries. Left alone with her thoughts, Anjali felt a glimmer of hope stir within her heart. With Aakash's unwavering support, she knew she could face whatever trials lay ahead. And as she watched him walk away, she made a silent vow to embrace the present moment and to cherish the love that had brought them back together, no matter what challenges may arise. As Anjali stood there, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt arms wrap around her from behind, sending a jolt of fear coursing through her veins. "Who is it?" she gasped, her heart racing, until she heard a familiar voice. "Mumma, you scared me, it's me!" exclaimed Aria, pulling back from the embrace with a mischievous grin. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. What's wrong? You looked sad." Anjali's heart swelled with relief at the sight of her daughter. "Oh, you silly girl, you frightened me," she chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Aria's face. "It's nothing, just some tension about preparing for the family's arrival today." Aria's brow furrowed in concern. "Is everything okay, Mumma?" she asked, her eyes searching Anjali's for any sign of distress. Anjali hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to confide in her daughter about the family's curse. But ultimately, she decided against it, not wanting to burden Aria with such weighty knowledge. "It's nothing to worry about, dear," she replied, forcing a smile. "Just the usual pre-gathering nerves. Let's focus on getting everything ready for our guests." Aria nodded, though a flicker of concern remained in her eyes. "Alright, Mumma," she said, giving Anjali a reassuring squeeze. "We'll get through this together. And don't worry, I'll help you with everything." Anjali's heart swelled with gratitude for her daughter's unwavering support. As they continued with their preparations, she couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance knowing that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them as a family. As Aakash returned to find Anjali and Aria immersed in their tasks, a playful grin spread across his face. "What has the generation come to? No one bothers to ask Papa how he's doing anymore," he joked, feigning mock offense. Aria, ever the spirited one, couldn't resist the opportunity for some playful banter. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she mimicked her father's mock indignation, placing her hands on her hips in an exaggerated display of faux anger. "What papa? You're a jealous person.  Aakash chuckled at his daughter's antics, returning her embrace with a tender smile. "And why would I be jealous?" he quipped, feigning confusion. Anjali says in mocking manner, "Exactly beta, Your dad is always jealous of me. Aria says, "Exactly, Mumma. Okay Papa! What can we do for you now?" she teased, before breaking into a bright smile and enveloping him in a warm hug. Aria rolled her eyes in mock exasperation. "I'm just kidding, no one should be jealous because, Papa, you're just as dear to us as Mumma," she replied, her tone laced with affection. Anjali looked on fondly at the playful exchange between father and daughter, her heart swelling with love for her family. In moments like these, she found solace and strength, knowing that no matter what trials they faced, they would always have each other's unwavering support and love. 

Stay Tuned.... 

What is making Anjali tensed? Why is Aakash neglecting the facts and past? What is that past? When will Aria know about the past? 

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