How to write a relatable villain

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Some villains do frequently have the same motivation as heroes. They sit more in the shadows, the dark side of having a need to reach their goal. The introverted versions of benevolent desires.

Examples of what I mean are showcased below.

Safety - the hero:
The hero was raised in a violent and abusive environment and would do whatever it takes to never experience that again. That said, they'll go out of their way to make sure others don't experience that either.

Safety - the villain:
The villain was raised in a violent and abusive environment and will do anything to never experience again. This also means going out of their way to possibly do the same thing to other people.

Power - the hero:
The hero wants power in order to gain agency and autonomy for themselves and/or to promote justice and improve the lives of others.

Power - the villain:
The villain wants power in order to be on top of and dominate others. They want to be able to do whatever they want without any future consequences.

Love - the hero:
The hero wants love and validation. They earn it through their actions, namely; treating others with respect, treating those they care about with support and value.

Love - the villain:
The villain wants love/validation and believes that other people owe it to them. They'll often get enraged with violence when people deny praise and validate them.

The realization that evil or destructive people are still human. Some have ill intentions, but there are still those who have the same motivation as good people. This realization helps the author write them in an easier and more identifiable way.

Make sure the villain aligns with the story, especially the hero! For example, Batman is all about order while the Joker is all about chaos. Linking back to the other chapters I uploaded, the Joker originally comes from a broken childhood and background, which most likely resulted in him turning out the way he did.

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