Words to describe pain

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Stabbing - sudden and sharp, as if being cut or pierced by a sharp object.

Needling - feeling as if tiny needles are pricking one's skin.

Shooting - a pain that travels along the path of a nerve or to different parts of the body quickly

Gnawing - persistent and troubling, as if being eaten away by the pain.

Crushing - overwhelmingly intense, making one feel like an extreme amount of pressure is being applied to their body or wound.

Lingering - remaining pain for a long time, often in a less intense form than usual.

Phantom - a pain sensation that can no longer be felt due to numbness in the area (or is not functioning as a whole.

Radiating - spreading pain from a certain point, often used to describe a traveling pain, much slower than shooting pain.

Pinching - a sharp pressure sensation, as if the skin or body part is being squeezed tightly.

Dizzying - a pain which causes a feeling of spinning or lightheadedness, most likely caused from a blow to the head or excessive blood loss.

Nagging - persistently bothering or worrying, often used to describe a continuous mild pain.

Splitting - an intense word to describe an extreme headache and/or migraine.

Stinging - a sharp, burning, or tingling sensation, like being pricked with something. (Like when a papercut is touched with sanitizer)

Prickling - a sensation of being lightly stabbed in many small pressure points.

Piercing - an extremely sharp and intense sense of pain, as if penetrating organs and the senses of the body.

Chronic - persistent pain for a long time or constantly recurring, often used to describe long term illnesses like cancer or arthritis.

Dull - aching or throbbing in a persistent way.

Raw - exposed or irritated, often describing skin or nerves.

Sharp - an intense and sudden rush of hurt, often describing acute pain.

Fierce - very strong or intense sense of pain which describes both mental/emotional pain and physical sensations.

Aching - a constant dull pain

Tender - sensitive to touch due to inflammation in the skin or a penetrated area.

Pulsing - a rhythmic throbbing or a beating sensation.

Tingling - a slight prickling or stinging feeling, often indicating numbness fading.

Throbbing - a sensation of pulsating often with a rhythmic pattern, typically used to describe an aroused feeling of pain.

Cramping - a painful, involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles.

Electrifying - extremely intense or thrilling, also used to describe a sudden sharp sensation.

Bonedeep - very intense and deeply felt, often implying that the sensation penetrates to the core of one's overall being.

Debilitating - impairing the strength or function, often used to describe severe conditions that hinder everyday activities.

Exhausting - causing extreme fatigue or tiredness.

Nauseating - causing a feeling of nausea or the extreme/strong need to throw up.

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