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# Third person pov

Everyone was talking among themselves, pointing at the blond-haired boy.

The boy just sat there, lost, not knowing how and why everything changed in a night.

"Rain... At least drink something. It is not good for your health. "

The said boy just shook his head making the latter sigh.

"Rainy boy, please just eat or drink something. At least for our sake. "

The boy didn't say anything and just stared into the space, ignoring everyone.

" At least cry baby. Let your emotions out. You will feel better. Trust me. "

The boy just looked at him. But no emotions came out.

His mother died first.... And now his father..... Just within a night.

The 20 year old didn't know how to process it. His whole mind froze. He couldn't react, couldn't cry even if he wanted to.

Both those incidents were written off as accidents. But even Rain can understand that it was attempted murder. What he doesn't know is - why?

Why would anyone target his family?  They didn't owe anyone anything. They didn't harm anyone. They are just normal people, working normal jobs.

Then why??


All the guests began to leave, Saying words of sympathy, telling him to be strong, that he is not alone and they will be there for him.

And he knows, the minute they step out of this hall, he is all alone. Those empty promises didn't mean anything.

After everyone leaves the funeral hall, Rain goes to the workers and settles the bill with his own money. His first hard earned money.

He didn't even get a chance to make his parents proud. He is still a student who dreamed of getting a job, taking his parents to places where they want to go because they had a kid to take care of. Who sacrificed themselves to let Rain live a comfortable life.

Yet, Rain was not able to do anything in return. Even the money that he had paid, was from his part-time job that he started doing in his p'Phayu garage, helping them with paper work whenever needed.

He felt ashamed, unworthy.

Today is the first time he spent something for his parents and that is for their funeral.

He tried so hard to shake off the feelings, but he couldn't.

He left the room and saw p'Phayu, Sky, p'Pai and p'Fah waiting for him.

He just gave a weak nod to them and walked away from there.


He stood at the place where his home should have been. Now all that remains is an almost ruined building from the fire that took his mother.

He didn't even have a memory of them. He went inside and looked around the home. Everything burned. The blast had been so severe that nothing was spared.

It happened within seconds that no one even heard a scream and then there was a huge sound and within seconds there were flames everywhere.

He couldn't even mourn properly. Not even her ashes were found. Even if he did, he might not know it was hers. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye to her.

Not even their memories were left.

For the first time after the incidents, he felt that he was truly alone.

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