Chapter 6 - Cupid's Missile

Start from the beginning

Timeskip - Academy Infirmary - Cecilia's POV

After a few minutes being carried through the hallways prompting various embarrassing stares from other girls at James' display of care, we finally arrived at the infirmary. The staff were quick to get me sorted into one of the light blue blanketed beds, asking me routine questions and performing various tests with my coordination and vision. "Everything looks fine at the moment Ms. Alcott. We'd like you to stay here for just a few more minutes to be absolutely sure." one of the nurses told me. "Splendid, I'll be waiting here." I responded, looking around the white room noticing no other students besides me and James. Looking back at the pilot of the fierce IS that defeated me, I saw him staring at the wall ahead of my bed like a statue, his arms crossed in front of him. It almost felt like he was guarding me. "James." I called his name. He turned his head toward me, blinking a few times. "Yes, Ms. Alcott?" I paused for a moment, something didn't quite feel right about him referring to me in such a formal way after what happened. "Please, call me Cecilia." I requested.

After a moment, he dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I was wondering, just what exactly is your IS? I hadn't really gotten the chance to learn all that much about it." I asked, my voice hinting that I was embarrassed at being beaten after my display leading up to the match. "I'm sorry Cecilia, but much of the information is classified. I can tell you some basic specifications which you have already seen and not much more." I puffed my cheeks in disappointment at that. Sighing, I allowed him to continue "Very well, please go on." "The name of my IS is the Black Eagle. For the most part, it's a standard generation 2 design. The primary weapons system consists of a GAU-17/A gatling cannon and a simple combat knife for CQC. What makes my IS special is the munitions power transfer module, which I can use to divert all power from the propulsion and navigation systems to the missile launchers, allowing me to fire more missiles than any other IS." he said sounding like a computer, not even bothering to sit down while telling me any of this. "So you can fire as many missiles as you want at the cost of flight?" He affirmed my question with a nod. "Yes and no. I can only fire missiles so long as there is enough power to do so. If for whatever reason the power from the engine systems is insufficient, my IS will begin siphoning power from the shield system to compensate. In effect, my IS is something of a one trick pony. It is not meant for long term engagement, rather surgical strikes that deal devastating damage." he added on. "I see. How is it you managed to avoid being detected during the match?" I asked. "The suit is equipped with holographic projection panels on the outer layer of the armor. Essentially, a perfect camouflage." "How is it that I saw no footprints when you moved?" I inquired once more. "The cloaking system is tied to the thrusters. While my missile system is active, I can slightly hover above the ground rather than engaging in full flight while cloaked. I am free to fly normally with the cloak while my weapons are not active however." he answered. "Is it safe to assume you cannot use your weapons while your camouflage is active as well?" He nodded his head. "Quite the powerful IS. It's no wonder I lost to you." I dishearteningly responded. "Please do not feel inadequate Cecilia.  Your IS is powerful and you are a skilled pilot. It was simply an unwinnable match for you given what you were fighting." he reassured me. I wasn't sure whether or not to be offended or flattered, so I chose the latter. "Well, when you put it like that..." I finished.

Right as our conversation concluded, one of the nurses came back to check on me. "Well Ms. Alcott, it seems like you are in perfect health! Very surprising to say the least after what happened." she said that last part while glaring daggers at James, who did not even turn to look at her. "I apologize for becoming overzealous. I did not anticipate the attack proving to be as powerful as it was. It seems it was an excessive use of force. I am gratified to hear you are unharmed Cecilia." he said, staring me in the eyes with the same look he had back in the arena just a short while ago. I could feel my face heating up at his concern over me. "Oh James, please don't fret. We did put on a wonderful show didn't we?" I cheerfully inquired. He looked out the window of the infirmary for a moment and then answered "I suppose we did." "Since she is okay, we are releasing her from the infirmary. Please be more careful when attacking in a duel Mr. Riker." she commanded him. Turning to answer her, he replied "Understood, I will endeavor to show more restraint in the future."

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