salt in the wound

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"Yeah, I ran 'til I couldn't and I screamed, until my voice was gone." -Salt by Bad Suns

You sat inbetween Tobin and Destiny on the bleachers with an exhausted huff. It had been a long weekend, for many different reasons, and you were excited to finally relax, see your daughter, and get back to reality this upcoming week.

As was normally the case during soccer season, Tobin would bring Ryan to her weekend games and you would pick her up from them. It was rare that you both had time to watch her games together. Most of the time Tobin had something or other to do.

"She'll love that you stayed." You spoke softly to Tobin, but your eyes were straying to the woman down on the sidelines standing in the middle of a circle of children.

Alex, despite the complaining that Ali had told you about, was a natural with kids. She was gentle, attentive, yet firm when the situation called for it. You bit your lip. You were hard pressed to admit the sight was attractive, even in your head.

"I know. I had the time and it's the first game of the season. She's gonna be pissed she's not starting, though."

You were already anticipating that you wouldn't hear the end of that. Quite frankly your daughter needed to be humbled. She thought she was God's gift to soccer. You assumed she'd just grow out of it. Maybe she could learn a thing or two from Alex. Alex wasn't humble, but she was tolerable.

You were still staring at the back of Alex's head when she suddenly turned around, making eye contact. Not knowing what to do with being caught, you opted to give her a small wave. You could see her make an odd, unreadable face before turning back to her job.

Your cheeks heated.

Destiny, because she studied your every move like a textbook, turned to you with a raised eyebrow, "What was that about? Why didn't she wave back?"

Your eyes flicked to Tobin, making sure she wasn't privy to your conversation. You weren't sure why, but it didn't exactly feel right to have your ex-wife in on your girly gossip about another woman.

Tobin was absorbed into the game, suredly taking notes of the play so she could give Alex and Ali unsolicited advice once the game was over.

You turned your body into Destiny, "I'm not sure but she was acting weird earlier when I said hello. Like weirder than she normally acts around me."

Destiny's mouth twisted in thought before she spoke again, "Did you hug her?"

Your eyebrows furrowed, "Yes?", you were a hugger, Destiny knew that. You weren't sure what that would have had to do with anything.

Destiny leaned closer toward you before sniffing loudly.

You blinked in confusion, and backed up, "I'm sorry, can I help you?"

Destiny rolled her eyes and chortled, "She's being weird because you smell like an alpha. Did you come up for air at all this weekend?"

You grimaced. You kinda hadn't come up for air all weekend. You weren't sure what had gotten into you. And it was still in you because you had planned to see the woman again at the end of this week as well.

But that was beside the point. Why would Alex care if you smelled like another alpha? She smelled like other omegas sometimes and you didn't bat an eyelash. You asked Destiny that very question.

"Well obviously she likes you and is jealous." Destiny said as if telling you 2 plus 2 equaled 4.

You couldn't even dignify that with a response other than a frantic head shake. Destiny shrugged, not bothering to fight you on it.

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