8. (Don't) Try to Understand Your Neighbour

Start from the beginning

Kai sighed. "I've had enough of you for one day. Goodbye."

"Okay," I respected his wish and turned to leave.

"But the food can stay," Kai stopped me. "It's been a while since I had a home-cooked meal."

I turned around once again. "It's a package deal, me with the food."

"I think I just lost my appetite," Kai remarked. "Never mind, you can go. For all I know, there's poison in there."

"I wouldn't offer to eat with you if that was the case, genius."

I motioned for him to step aside. "Be a good boy and move aside. I could squeeze in but you're naked and I don't want to touch you."

Kai stood still for a long moment before he opened the door fully and stepped aside. I was a little surprised because if our roles were reversed, I would've slammed the door in his face.

"While I warm this up, please put on some clothes," I said as I stepped into his familiar home. "You're doing no one a favour by prancing around naked."

Kai quickly stepped in front of me and gripped the Tupperware in my hands. The roughness of his fingertips ever so lightly brushed over mine as he stared down at me.

"Are you sure about that?" He tilted his head to the side slightly. "Because I keep catching your eyes wondering."

A bead of water dropped down from his sideburn to his jaw and he smelled like body wash mixed with his cologne. I just noticed that his hair was damp, and a white towel sat on his shoulder.

"Don't flatter yourself." I looked straight into his wide, hazel-green gaze. "I'm merely studying you like a specimen."

Kai's brows creased together slightly. "That sounds oddly... dirty."

"Is that your way of saying you're turned on?" I raised a brow.

Kai choked on a laugh. "If you weren't so nauseating, I'd find you funny."

"Funny and sexy, what can I say? I'm the whole package," I half shrugged. "But you have a girlfriend, so behave yourself. I'm not into taken men."

"Aw, too bad, and here I thought dinner was just an excuse to get into my bed," Kai retorted. "Looks like I shaved my balls for nothing."

I didn't expect his response and was left a little stunned. Kai took the food from my hands and walked off. I stared at the back of his head and my eyes involuntarily fell on his back muscles. I also noticed that his sweatpants sat very low around his narrow waist.

I slapped my face and blinked. "Snap out of it, Clover."

Kai ran upstairs while I looked around the kitchen for plates. Everything was so shiny, fancy, and polished that I was a little scared to touch anything. I almost freaked out every time my fingerprints were left on the kitchen cupboards.

"Stop touching everything," Kai's voice startled me slightly.

"I was just looking for –" I was stopped midway when Kai gripped my wrist that was midair and looked at me annoyed.

Kai gestured to the chairs at the island with his eyes. "Sit. I'll get it."

I nodded and did as I was told but instead of getting plates, Kai grabbed a whiskey glass and filled it with ice from the fridge.

"That doesn't look like a plate."

"With you around, I need a tranquilizer," Kai replied. "Do you want anything?"

T's & C's (don't) ApplyWhere stories live. Discover now