3: You (don't) Know What You Signed Up For

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When I woke up on Monday morning and got ready for work, I never imagined that by Friday I would've forced my way into a sulking Kaidan's car. After he crashed the meeting and I unofficially agreed to mentor him, I had to almost fight him for him to allow me into his supercar.  

I never saw a car of that calibre in my life, not even on television. The car doors didn't open like normal cars but upwards, like a butterfly spreading its wings. Kaidan could've easily left me behind because I struggled to open the car door, but I was stubborn and stood in front of his car until he let me in.  

He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white and the veins on his hands appeared as if they were about to pop. He took in a deep breath, and I would've never told him to his face but even after working out, he smelled of cologne.  

"Why are you doing this?" Kai broke the silence. "You don't even know me."  

"Seeing that you're up bright and early for a change, I thought I'd get a lift with you, see our place while you get ready and then we can go to work together." I glanced at him and even with a side view his stance gave me a chill. "Time is of the essence, so we're starting our new routine from today."  

"Our place? Going to work together? Our routine?" Kai sounded appalled. "Are you listening to yourself right now?"  

"I think it's more vital that you listen to me."  

"I'm only going to say this once, there is not a chance in hell that I'm going to follow your instructions," Kai stated. "And if you think we're going to live together, you've got another thing coming. I will have you physically removed if you enter my home."  

I reached for the flap mirror to check my face, but Kai's deep voice startled me and made me retract my hand.  

"Don't touch anything!"  

I placed a hand on my chest. "I was just checking to see if I looked as if I was joking."  

"You think you're smart, don't you?"  

"I know I'm smarter than someone else here," I muttered under my breath.  

"Is it the money?" Kai questioned. "How much is he offering you? I can pay you so much money that you'll never have to work again," 

I scoffed. "You really are something."  

Kai scoffed this time. "Don't act righteous all of a sudden. It's obvious you're doing this for the money. Unless," he paused and glanced at me. "Are you doing this to get close to me?"  

"Wow." That was all I managed to get out.  

"Don't act unphased. Other than my good looks, I'm quite the catch," Kai cockily spoke. "You aren't the first intern to be smitten by me."  

I rolled my eyes and wanted to laugh at how delusional he was.  

"No offense, actually feel how you want to about it, but you're not quite my type." Kai checked me out in a second and turned his attention back to the road. "You're way too beige for my taste. There's nothing special about you... nothing about you stands out."  

What a self-centered bastard! 

"Yes Kaidan Berkeley, you caught me," I sarcastically spoke. "I want to be around you twenty-four-seven and deal with your tardiness, tantrums, and manchild ways just so you can fall in love with me. My life's goal is to marry you and ride off into the sunset."  

I tapped his shoulder. "You really are smarter than you look. Imagine what a better place this world would be if you used your brain." I feigned shivering and rubbed over my arms. "I think I'm falling even deeper in love with you."  

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