Chapter 16

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It is nice to be home, but this room is tiny. I laugh to myself as I shower and get ready for the day. Our new suite should be ready in a week. I'm sure I can manage that long.

I check on Tula, she is still sleeping, it was a long day yesterday. Hopefully she stays asleep until I get back with breakfast. I make my way to the pack kitchen having a little laugh because it is so close to our room, not surprising given the room was designed for staff in the packhouse to use. We were lucky there was an empty room with outside access, I would have hated asking someone to move out for us.

The kitchen is busy as usual, I find Margaret, the matron of the kitchen. "Good Morning Margaret, can you make up two plates for me please." She smiles knowingly at me. "When will we be meeting the new Luna Alpha Scott?" I laugh, not surprised the news has already spread. "Actually I will be introducing her at lunch, Byron will be announcing it soon. Can you help make sure everyone is there and have a little extra food prepared." Margaret smiles as she hands me a tray with two plates, cups of coffee and orange juice. I frown at the drinks. "Um, can you change the extra drinks for a bowl of water please, unfortunately my mate is stuck in wolf form." She gasps and covers her mouth, Margaret recovers quickly and takes the drinks and replaces them with a bowl of water.

"Please Alpha let me know if you need anything else." I take the tray then remember something she can help with. "Actually Margaret we also brought Hazel with us, she is an older wolf who cared for my mate when her parents were killed. Can you find her and make sure she has everything she needs and show her around? Make sure she is at lunch so I can introduce her also."

Margaret smiles and assures me that she will take care of hazel. I make it back to our room without running into anyone else. Tula is just walking back into the room from outside, I smile down at her and lead her back outside to a low table with cushions that I had setup ready for our arrival. I place the tray down, then put Tulas plate and bowl on the ground next to me, I noticed she had trouble eating off the table last time. As much as I want her to be treated less like a dog, there are just some things that can't be changed.

While we eat I think about what we are going to do for the rest of the morning. "I think the best thing to do this morning is to show you around the property. I will introduce you to the day guards because they won't be at lunch when you meet the rest of the pack. What do you think little mate, do you want to tour the grounds with me?" She nods her head, quickly finishes her breakfast, then sits and watches me eat. I laugh. "So eager little mate." She sighs and lays down with her head on a cushion to wait for me. I manage to hold in a laugh and finish my breakfast quickly. I gather the dishes together but leave them on the table, I will take them back later.

"Come little mate, it's tour time." Tula jumps up and follows right next to me as we make our way to the fence around the main property. I won't be able to show her the full extent of our land in one morning. Today I will show her the inner ring, then later I will take her to the middle and outer ring. After helping and protecting so many packs our land grew so much it can't be covered in a single day.

"So Little Mate, this fence goes around the main house and property, any pack members that want to can live in the pack house, most of them work there though. We have a small village of houses over here for other pack members and in the middle part of the pack lands we even have a small town, it has everything we need, I will take you there tomorrow."

We walk around inside the fence first and I show her the gardens, when we get to the main gate we go through and down to the gate house. "There is only one road leading to the inner part of the pack lands, everyone has to go through here. That road leads to the smaller houses, we will go that way next." We go all the way to the gate house and I see Mark and Jason are on duty today. "Hey guys I would like you to meet my mate, this is Tula, she is stuck in wolf form for now. If you see her around, don't freak out." I smile as they introduce themselves to Tula. They do it with respect and talk to her like she is just a normal shifter in wolf form. I let them show her around the gate house and tell her about their duties.+ 

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