263 19 15

As the morning rolled around the hong household. Joshua was seen sitting on a couch looking nervous.

"Chan is finally going to know about you seok."

Joshua smiled at the picture he was holding and felt himself calming down. However the the sound of chan's footsteps made him more nervous than he was before.

Chan was rushing as he was late and he didn't want to earn a lecture from seungkwan about punctuality.

"Dino-ya where are you rushing of to?"

Chan looked over to see his appa sitting on the couch.

"Appa I'm going to carat land café near school."

"This early?"

"Kwannie said it's urgent."

Joshua was a bit saddened as he was going to tell chan about seokmin and chan saw it, so to lighten up his appa a little he gave joshua a quick hug.

"I will be back soon appa!"

Joshua smiled at the rushing boy and then to the picture.

Joshua smiled at the rushing boy and then to the picture

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"Maybe next time my love."


Chan sighed in relief to learn that he was just in time. Seungkwan and hansol also just arrived.

"Perfect!you are here let's go now"seungkwan started to drag Chan along.

It took them quite some time to reach their destination and it was an old abandoned amusement park?

"What are we doing here?"

"We are here to find out if the rumours are true or not"seungkwan said with a proud face.

"What rumour?"

"That this place can grant your wish "

Hansol and chan didn't know what to say to that. It sounded dumb.

"I know love i sound dumb but i have to prove them wrong."

"Prove who wrong?"

"I don't know it was an online fight, they said that this place does grant wishes and i told them to step out of their fantasy."

"So they challenged me to prove them wrong so we are here"

"It's your online fight so why are we here?"chan pointed to himself and hansol.

"Well duh you are my friend and he is my lover, you can't abandon your friend in a battle "

"So how are we going to prove them wrong?"seungkwan smiled at his lover and chan wanted to go home to his appa.

"We just have to go pass the haunted tunnel there "seungkwan pointed towards a creepy tunnel.

"I think you chose the wrong team to fight your battle kwannie".

Chan agreed with hansol all of them are scared of haunted house and this one especially looks creepy.

"Don't be silly guys this one hasn't been working for years so there won't be anything scary it just look scary from the outside."

"Let me call appa and tell him i love him the most"

"You won't die chan" seungkwan rolled his eyes.

They all stood in front of the tunnel all held their hands tightly.

"Now make a wish"

'I wish we all would make it alive'

'I wish solie and i would be
always be together '

'I wish to see my dad '

Chan knows that's absurd but hey this was to test if the rumour was true or not.

All opened their eyes and gave each other a nod.

The tunnel was really dark as they entered. Seungkwan who stood next to them was now standing behind hansol and chan and gripping on their shirt tightly.

Chan and hansol held their guard up and would react to evey sound they heard.

Mid way through the tunnel they heard creepy laughs and and shadows here and the trio was now scared and was walking so fast to exit the tunnel.

Seungkwan felt someone poking him from behind. He gulped.

"Guys" he whispersed

They hummed still cautious of their surrounding.

"I felt some one poking me"

They stood frozen. All sweating hard, they slowly turned around they were met with a creepy clown grinning widely at them.

They stood there frozen looking at the clown.



They started running towards the exit with the clown running after them.

They had tears in their eyes as they reached exit. They felt as if they reached heaven as they exited the tunnel.


The people in amusement park looked at them with concern. Three teens who looked like they went to war was lying on the floor.

The trio looked up to see people looking at them with concern. Since when did the amusement park looked so lively. They looked around and the once old and rusty park looks so lively with children's laughter and adults.

They ensured the people they were ok and all good. As they started to question what happened to the park. A shout caught their attention.

They looked around to find the owner of that sound and saw someone coming towards their direction. They squinted their eyes to see who it was and it was





Joshua couldn't tell chan about seokmin but chan met seokmin in person so it's fine.

Sorry if the chapter is short i will keep it long next time.

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