Work Trip (San)

939 24 14

content warning: near sexual assault, violence, degradation, breeding

word count: 3619

You were pretty sure your boss hated you. He always got on to you and criticized your work. He'd put you on performance probation more times than you could count, and he often criticized your professional attire.

"Your skirt is too short."

"Your dress is too tight."

"Your blouse is too revealing."

You'd heard it all. He'd call you out in private or in front of others. It made no difference. And every time your face would turn bright red and you'd apologize and promise to try better tomorrow. Still, no matter how much effort you put into pleasing him, he ended up mad anyway.

And yet, when he'd been invited to attend a conference in the city, you were the assistant he'd invited to go with him.

"Are you sure?" you'd asked. "Maybe you should ask Sara instead. She's more experienced."

Mr. Choi had sighed in frustration. "Are you telling me I made a mistake? You? Telling me? Get out."

"Mr. Choi...I..."

"Leave early today and get packed. We leave tomorrow."

"For how long?"

"The details are in an email. Have you not been checking your messages?" he'd spat.

"I'm sorry," you'd apologized and turned to leave before you could make him any madder.

You'd opened your inbox to see that he'd sent the email only minutes before when you would've been in the room with him.

Why did he hate you so much?

You'd said goodbye to the other assistants there that day and had left to pack your bag.

Now, you sat in a business class seat beside Mr. Choi. He was sipping on a cocktail, but you'd opted for water, not wanting him to say something to you about drinking on the clock (even if he was doing the same thing).

"So we'll check in, pick up our badges, head to the preview seminar, and then turn in for the night," he explained, going over the color-coded schedule on his laptop.

"What about dinner?" you asked.

"Are you incapable of ordering your own room service?"

"Sorry," you mumbled.

He rolled his eyes and stared at your top. "If you're going to wear white, at least make sure you don't spill on it making it sheer, (y/n)."

You sank back into your chair and covered the watermark with your blazer. Mr. Choi continued working on the schedule and you just listened, refusing to add any commentary that he could disparage you for.

When the plane landed, the two of you collected your luggage and took a car to the hotel.

"Is that who I think it is?" someone shouted when you both entered the lobby.

"Hey Jaime," Mr. Choi shook the man's hand. "Good to see you."

"You hear for business?" he asked but then turned his gaze to you, "Or pleasure?"

You felt hot under his stare and covered yourself more.

Mr. Choi scoffed at the assumption that he'd be there with you for anything outside of professional work. "Obviously business."

"So she's free?" Jaime raised an eyebrow and extended his hand to you. "Jaime Salvatore."

"(Y/n)," you replied, shaking it.

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