Guarded (Hongjoong x Male Reader)

192 6 15

content warning: forced proximity

word count: 1281

"Why can't we just stay outside like we usually do?" you complained to your boss.

"Because Wooyoung almost fell 6 stories trying to cross his balcony to get to San's. Stay in your assigned room and keep him out of trouble."

You sighed but nodded as you left and headed down the hall. You knocked on the door and a clearly annoyed Hongjoong stepped aside to let you in.

"Just so you know, this wasn't my idea. I don't need you in here," he complained.

"I know."

"And I'm only allowing it because Wooyoung needs to see an example of how to behave."

"I know," you repeated. Hongjoong hated being told what to do, and he hated people talking back to him even more. You kept your acknowledgments of his ramblings short and simple.

"You'll stay there," he pointed to a corner by the door. "Don't disturb me. Don't talk to me. Just let me sleep."

"I know." You were already in the corner and prepared for your night of boredom.

"Make sure your phone is on silent. Remember last time..."

"Hongjoong, I know. I know not to bother you, talk to you, or even look at you."

Hongjoong clenched his jaw, and you waited for him to retaliate, but, to your surprise, he didn't. Instead, he clicked off the light and settled into bed.

It was pitch black and you couldn't see a thing. You only knew you were still awake because of the hum of the AC. It honestly made no sense for you to be in here. It's not like Hongjoong was going to sneak out. They might as well put a bell on him and let you sleep. You'd wake up to it jingling if he did try to leave, and you could still have a restful night until then. It would be a win-win.

The first hour wasn't so bad. Hongjoong started snoring and you just leaned against the wall...bored to death but otherwise fine.

In the second hour, your stomach began to growl and in the third hour, your knees started to get tired of standing. You shifted a trillion times and kept glancing at the world's slowest clock wondering how it wasn't morning yet.

"Can you keep your stomach quiet?" Hongjoong snapped.

"I'm sorry," you began.

"I don't care. Eat something, so it will stop."

You looked around and saw a bag of chips on the counter in a welcome basket he'd been given by the hotel staff. You picked it up quietly but the aluminum bag crinkled annoyingly.

You popped it open and tried your best to retrieve a dorito silently but your knuckle and hand hit the foil on the way in and out making it noisier than your stomach had been. Even worse, the crunch of the chip was obnoxious.

"Are you fucking serious?" Hongjoong groaned from his bed.

"I'm sorry. I just..."

"Couldn't go for the marshmallows? Or the bag of licorice? Had to choose a food that would keep me awake, right?"

"Hongjoong, I don't mean," you began as you took a few steps towards him. The floor noticeably shook with every step since your guard boots were so heavy.

"Jesus. Trying to get picked up on the Richter scale?"

He was being so mean...

"Can you stop?" you finally spoke up for yourself.

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