Rope Bunny Pt 1 (Lee Know)

484 10 15

content warning: borderline cnc, sex, anal, edging, dom/sub

word count: 2327

"Please tie me up, Minnie! I promise we won't get caught," you begged. Chan wasn't due back home for hours. You and his other sub Seungmin had plenty of time to mess around and get cleaned up.

"If he comes home and you're tied up, it'll be harder to get everything undone. We have to be quick," he argued logically.

You strolled over to where he was seated in Chan's armchair (which was against the rules) and fingered his chest, "Think about it this way Minnie. Don't I always cum faster when I'm tied up?"

Seungmin's breath hitched but he nodded, staring at the way your tits hung in his face.

"So we'll have plenty of time to get untied since I'll finish quickly for you. You do want me to cum, don't you, Minnie?"

"Of course I do, baby," he affirmed.

"Then hurry up and fuck me," you whined, sinking into his waist.

Seungmin groaned and lifted you to carry you over to Chan's bed. There was something extra exhilarating about getting each other off in a place you weren't meant to be without your master.

Seungmin broke another rule by digging through Chan's nightstand to find the rope. You eyed it excitedly when he presented them to you.

"Lay down," Seungmin ordered. His voice was nowhere near as commanding as Chan's, but you listened anyway.

He tied the rope onto your wrists before attaching them to the bed. You pulled to make sure you were trapped and felt satisfied. He pulled down your panties so that he could tie your ankles. He let out a little whimper at the sight of your wet cunt and your center throbbed eagerly. He finished and you checked the ankles' ties as well. His knots weren't as tight as Chan's but they would do.

"Do I look pretty Minnie?" you seduced.

Seungmin took a look at you and dropped his pants to show you exactly how pretty he thought you looked. He was fully erect.

"Hurry before Chan finds us," you urged.

Seungmin joined you on the bed and aligned his tip with your center. He plunged into you right away, causing you to yelp.

"You like that?" he grunted as he thrust into you at an exhausting pace. He didn't feel as strong as Chan since he was meant to be a sub, but he felt good enough.

"Mhm, so good Minnie."

It was like the difference between a dildo and a dick.

"Shit," you cried when he lightly slapped your clit like he'd seen Chan do a million times. Chan was harsher, but Seungmin was still unsure of your limits.

"Gonna fuck you so good, baby. Might even cum in you," he smirked.

"That's against the rules," you reminded him between lustful sounds.

"All of this is against the rules," he groaned. "But you like it don't you?"

"So...fuck!" you cried out when he began circling your clit. "So do you!"

"Oh, I own that shit, baby."

Seungmin's pace hastened, and you were so close you could feel your walls tightening around his cock.

But you didn't get to finish because the door downstairs slammed shut.

"Fuck!" Seungmin gasped. He pulled out of you, snatched up his things, and flung the door open, before running down the hall.

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