Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death

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I was lucky I knew about the Mist. My Mama had left me journals for my Mom and I to read.

"Okay, that's smart, especially if you could hide yourself," Annabeth told Percy, giving her a small smile.

I really wondered where Mrs. Kerr came from though, like how is she a real person that appeared out of nowhere, has a home to go to, has her own friends, buys her owns stuff, if she didn't exist?

"Oh gods, is Chiron kidnapping mortals?" Dionysus said under his breath.

Not wanting to look psycho, I just didn't mention Mrs. Dodds. It drove Grover a bit insane, but Mr. Brunner looked ready to snap if I didn't mention Mrs. Dodds.

"But he's the one that got a Mrs. Dodds replacement and put the Mist up, hoping you wouldn't remember?" Piper questioned.

"And a strong demigod scent had been detected and I had supposedly stolen something and he wanted me to not know," Percy said.

"That's stupid," Katherine admitted. Elena nodded holding her head.

"What's wrong Elena?" Caroline asked.

Elena looked at her and then teared up and threw herself into the blonde's arms, "I'm so sorry I ignored Damon's actions towards you, I don't know why I did it. I never would've been around someone who did that," she cried. OMG, a likeable Elena

Percy perked up for a second, "Are you sure it's a Petrova pull?" she asked Klaus.

"What do you mean?" Klaus asked.

"Tatia from what you told me was more interested in Elijah than you, but you didn't care much for her anyway. Katherine was for the sacrifice in your mind but you were going to let her go, but she never had an interest in you, right?" Katherine nods, "But she falls for both Damon and Stefan and so does Elena. Katherine becomes bitterer and cares less for life, Elena ignores Damon's actions and Stefan's habits. Elena and Katherine aren't the only doppelgangers, Stefan is too," Percy explained.

"It's why I don't like Bennetts. She could've gotten revenge on Silas without affecting Amara, and now her doppelgangers had to pay the price," Hecate drawled, "Of course, there is my own alteration that if Quetsiyahs descendants get involved in the demise of a doppelganger, they...die out," she said checking her fingernails.

"Ayanna died after we turned by Tatia's blood," Klaus pointed out.

"Emily died after I was almost caught with the Salvatores," Katherine pointed out.

"Elena has been kidnapped, dealt with her own ancestor being affected like she is, a friend turning into a vampire but wanting to give her support when another friend is trying to separate them, dealing with a sacrifice that would've gone differently if there was no interference," Percy listed off, "Lucy Bennett and Sheila Bennett and Abby Bennett have all died and Bonnie temporarily died."

"Oh,'s the Salvatores," Elena said, moving closer to her ancestor and Caroline. Marcel got Katherine's attention and motioned to his other side and she saw Klaus motioning in that direction and she pulled Caroline and Elena over to there and motioned Jeremy to follow.

Damon and Stefan were about o move after, "Try to, I'll get some of my father's sun arrows and help shoot," Klaus said.

"But it would burn you," Finn said, wondering if his brother was sane. The oldest Mikaelson brother had moved away from Elijah and Rebekah who were becoming people he didn't want to associate himself with.

"He's the only vampire immune to the sun," Kol pointed out, "If Will here turned, he wouldn't be affected either," he added motioning to the blonde teen sat in front of Klaus and Percy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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