XVII. | Restraint

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TSUKIKO, SCOTT, AND STILES WERE CURRENTLY at the Sheriff's Station. They got busted for kidnapping Jackson. Except Tsukiko didn't actually kidnap him. She was just there still being punished

"You will not go within 50 feet of Jackson Whittemore. You will not speak to him. You will not approach him. You will not assault or harass him physically or psychologically" Noah said. Jackson's father and Melissa were also in the room

"What about school?" Stiles asked

"You can attend classes while attempting to maintain a 50-foot distance" Noah said

"Okay, but what if we both have to use the bathroom at the same time and there's only two stalls available and they're right next to each other?" Stiles asked. All the adults looked at him unamused. "I'll just hold it"

"Can I leave?" Tsukiko asked. Noah nodded and the group left the room

"Do I need to remind you how lucky we are that they're not pressing charges?" Noah asked

"Oh, come on, it was just a joke.. and besides Tsuki could make them go bankrupt" Stiles said

"It was a joke? And I bet it's your fault she's even involved in the first place" Noah said angrily

"Yes, I didn't think it would be taken that seriously.. and don't blame me for Tsuki! We should thank her for being rich! Look, Dad.. humor's very subjective, okay? I mean, we're talking multiple levels of interpretation here" Stiles said

"Uh-huh" Noah said

"Uh-huh" Stiles replied

"Okay, well, how exactly am I supposed to interpret the stolen prison transport van, huh?" Noah asked

"We filled the tank!" Stiles replied. Melissa was just as angry with Scott. Tsukiko was the only one not getting lectured and she liked that

"You, young man, are a bad influence on her.. you know what? You are grounded from seeing her.. ever since you two started dating.. yeah, I know.. you have been getting her into so much trouble" Noah reprimanded his son. Tsukiko covered her face in embarrassment from the fact his father thought they weren't dating

"We're not dating" Stiles said

"You're not dat- Oh, you've got to be kidding me, Stiles! I raised you better than this!" Noah yelled angrily before he grabbed Stiles' shoulder before speaking in a whisper that only Stiles could hear. "You two are sleeping together, and you're not in a relationship? Not only are you stupid, but you are cruel. That poor girl is in love with you"

"Dad?! What the hell?!" Stiles yelled in pure embarrassment. He thought that Tsukiko and Stiles had been sleeping together. Tsukiko looked at them confused. She figured they needed a moment, so she left them alone

"Don't what the hell me! What the hell, you" Noah said

"We're not sleeping together.." Stiles said as he covered his face in embarrassment. Noah's face morphed into one of awkwardness

"Wait.. you're not.. sleeping together?" Noah asked confused

"Dad, no! Oh, my God.. somebody shoot me" Stiles whined

"I- I thought you two were-" Noah was cut off

"No! Jesus, Dad!" Stiles whined

"I'm sorry.. I.. I.. We'll finish that at home" Noah said. Stiles looked over to Tsukiko missing. He furrowed his eyebrows before going down the hall to see Tsukiko staring at Melissa and Scott

"Then no, uh.. No Stiles or Tsuki" Melissa said. Tsukiko's jaw dropped. She was gonna stay with them since she didn't think it was a good idea staying with the guy she had a crush on

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘞𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯|| S. Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now